TEN| paige

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How am I supposed to dress? Do I wear my jeans or my skirt? Do I wear my heels or my flats? Do I wear those dangly earrings or my studs? I decided on classy, he might take me somewhere fancy! I smiled as I got dressed, I'm so excited! Louis is my best friend, he's amazing! I walked out of the hospital and on my way out, I ran into Niall.

"Looking hot," he smirked.

"Thank you so much!" I giggled.

"Have a great night," he said. "And if Dr. Styles hurts your feelings, I'll have his ass."

"Thank you!" I laughed and hugged him. "You're a good person."

He smiled as we broke apart and I started my way out. I walked out of the door and saw Harry standing outside waiting on my, tapping his watch impatiently. He wore jeans, a t-shirt, and his boots. I noticed that his arms were tattooed, that's a pleasant surprise!

"Hey!" I smiled.

"Ready?" He sighed.

"Yep!" I giggled and we got into his car.

He got in and started the car, and I got in right after him in the passenger seat. The entire ride was filled with my stories of my parents and some of my life in medical school. They were so funny, but he unfortunately never laughed at any of them. He parked at a bar and got out. I got out and ran after him. He sat down at the booth and I sat beside him. I smiled shyly as he ordered us both a few shots.

"Are you hungry?" He asked. "I'm not."

"Yeah, I am!" I smiled. "I haven't eaten a thing all day except for that salad during lunch time! And I spilled some of it on me, what an embarrassment!"

"Sh," he shushed me. "Don't talk so loud."

"Oh," I giggled softly. "I'm sorry."

Harry got the bartenders attention. "She wants something to eat, Ben."

Ben looked at me and then to Harry. "This your date?" He asked Harry.

"No," spoke Harry. "We're just out."

"Oh," chuckled Ben as he wrote down something on his notebook. "I was about to say, when did Harry Styles become attractive to cute blonde haired blue eyed white girls?!"

Harry laughed too. "Shut up, Ben. Get the girl some food, she's hungry."

Ben laughed and gave his notepad to one of the other bartenders. I weakly smiled and felt like crying. We're not on a date?

"So," spoke Harry as he took his first shot and coughed afterwards. "What is your interest in me? I'm an old man with heart trouble."

"Heart trouble?" I asked. "You should get that checked out!"

"I did," he said and took another shot. "Got Louis to do it, says I need surgery but I won't let anyone do it. If I could do it myself I would."

"What type of heart trouble?" I asked.

"None of your concern," spoke Harry.

"Oh," I frowned.

He sighed and ate peanuts from the basket in front of us. He didn't say a word as Ben brought me a burger. I bit my lip, not wanting to say that I couldn't eat the burger.

"What?" Harry asked. "You're hungry, so eat."

"I-" sighing, I didn't say anything. "Nothing."

Harry shrugged and continued to eat his peanuts. He ignored me the entire time, he talked to Ben. Who, was actually really, really nice and tired to include me in their conversation, but Harry quickly shut me out.

"So Paige," spoke Ben.

I smiled. "Yes?"

Harry rolled his eyes and took a shot. I frowned and Ben rolled his eyes at him. "You're a surgeon too?"

I smiled widely. "Yes! But right now just an intern!"

"Intern?" Ben asked and glanced Harry. "I see, now."

"What?" I asked.

Harry took another shot and Ben shrugged. "What're you interested in?"

"I love all of them! But I'm really into general!" I smiled.

"General?" Ben asked. "That's what I did."

"You were a surgeon?!" I asked.

Ben chuckled and smiled. "Yeah, lad. Best general surgeon at England's Finest! But I got in a bad wreck a few years ago, so I had to resign."

"I'm so sorry," I frowned.

"You think Sam would like this place?" Harry asked Ben and showed him a picture on his phone.

Ben looked and his eyes widened. "You're taking Sam there?!"

"Whose Sam?" I asked.

"My bloody girlfriend," Harry muttered.

"His ex who he's trying to get back," Ben corrected him. "She's a surgeon at Cambridge."

I felt the tears prickling through my eyes. "You're so cruel," I cried to Harry.

"I'm only doin' this for Louis. I may be a perfect surgeon, but I'm not a perfect man," Harry muttered and took another shot. "You can leave."

"Harry," Ben warned.

I stood and wiped my tears. "Thank you, Ben."

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart," frowned Ben.

"You've got to pay for that burger," Harry noted.

"I didn't eat it," I whimpered.

"But you ordered it so you've got to bloody-"

"It's fine," Ben interrupted. "Do you need me to drive you?"

"She can walk or get a cab," Harry shrugged.

I ran out of the bar and cried. I heard Ben calling for me, but I didn't care. How can Harry be so cruel?! He's been terrible to me the entire night! I took off my heels and ran towards the hospital with tears in my eyes. He's so mean! He's so mean! Oh man, oh man, he's so mean!

When I got to the hospital, I ran inside and towards the lockers, but then I remembered Quinn. I threw my purse down and slid my back down the wall and cried quietly, trying to refrain from getting attention. But it was too late, someone was by my side and hugging me.

"He doesn't deserve you," the familiar voice spoke and he kissed my forehead.

Before I could open my eyes, he kissed my lips.


I'm sorry I ended so weird...
I never know how to end books...
I promise I'll get better with practice...
I hope you enjoyed The Perfect Surgeons!
Feel free to read my other books if you'd like.
Hope this was a pleasure,
-TS xxx.

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