FOUR| paige

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"And to think I actually knew the answer to that made me laugh even harder!" I laughed.

Mandy laughed with me and grabbed my hand gently. "Riddles are a mind-tricker, sweet girl!"

The door opened and Dr. Styles walked in. I smiled at him and patted Mandy's hand gently.

"Mandy was telling me a riddle," I giggled. "Go on, tell Dr. Styles about it!"

"Alright, alright," she laughed softly. "But you can't blurt out the answer now that you know it, alright?"

"Yes ma'am!" I giggled.

"That riddle is going to have to wait because I got something even better," smiled Dr. Styles.

"Peanuts?" I giggled and Mandy laughed with me. "I have been here forever and Mandy wants peanuts!"

"Oh darling," Mandy chuckled softly. "I don't want to be a burden."

"But now that Dr. Styles is here, I can go get you some if you'd like!" I said and turned to Dr. Styles. "I can go get her some peanuts, can I? Is that alright? She likes the frosted ones, but I know we don't have those here. But, she's fine with the roasted ones too or the salted ones, either would work! Hey! Even the plain ones would be good, wouldn't it, Mandy?"

"It's fine, sweetheart," giggled Mandy quietly. "Let's hear this news from the doctor first, alright?"

"Ooh!" I smiled and turned to Dr. Styles. "I'm so sorry! I forgot you said that you have news! I have some news too! Mandy helped me study up on my anatomy and now it's crisp-sharp! Isn't that right, Mandy?"

"Dr. Elizabeth," said Dr. Styles. "Please settle."

"I'm sorry," I muttered.

"Come here," he ordered softly.

I smiled at Mandy and stood from beside her bed. I stood beside Dr. Styles who handed me his chart. I read it and scrunched my eyebrows, but I didn't say another word.

"As of three minutes ago, you have a heart," Dr. Styles smiled.

"Oh my!" Mandy smiled widely and the tears rolled down her face.

"That's such good news, Mandy!" I smiled widely and went to hug her. "I'm so happy for you! You deserve a big, nice, plump, healthy heart!"

"Thank you so much, both of you!" Mandy cried happily.

We broke the hug and I handed her the box of tissues near her bed. I smiled widely at her and went back to stand beside Dr. Styles.

"I've been waiting for seven months, it's finally here!" Many cried happily and wiped her tears.

I smiled at her and turned to Dr. Styles. He nodded at me and I nodded back.

"I will see you after surgery, alright, Mandy?" I assured.

"Wait, you're not going to be in there?" She asked.

"No, I'm so sorry," I frowned.

"I want you in there, darling," Mandy said and turned to Dr. Styles. "I want her in there."

"I'm an intern," I explained. "It's my first day, Mandy. But I'll be waiting for you when you get out, I promise!"

"Can't I request her?" She asked Dr. Styles.

"I suppose there's enough room for one more in the operating room," Dr. Styles spoke.

"What?! Really?!" I asked. "Oh man, oh man, oh man! This is great, Mandy! I'll make sure everything's alright! I'll be the last person you see when you fall asleep and the first person you see when you wake up!"

"Thank you so much, Dr. Styles," Mandy smiled.

"You're welcome," Dr. Styles smiled, taking his compliment.

The nurses walked in to prep Mandy for surgery. I gave her one last wave before I see her in surgery, before Dr. Styles and I walked out. I closed the door behind us and he started walking away. I followed him and smiled.

"I can't wait to be in the surgery! This is so great! I'm so happy! Thanks for this, Dr. Styles, you're awesome!" I smiled.

"Don't thank me, you're not going," he spoke.

I stopped in my tracks, honestly thinking he was going to stop too but he never did. He kept walking and left me in the dust. I frowned and wanted to tell Mandy the bad news, but I know she needs to be happy and confident before surgery, my bad news will only bring her down. I sighed and walked the opposite way of Dr. Styles, laying the chart he gave me down on the desk. A nurse took the chart and she typed in her computer.

"Dr. Elizabeth!"

I turned around and Dr. Tomlinson was walking quickly to me. I met him halfway, trying to smile but my frown kept taking over.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I need you to go to the closet on the north wing of the third floor to get me a pulse oximeter, alcohol wipes, and get yourself a limit number," Dr. Tomlinson ordered. "And have you seen Dr. Scott anywhere? I sent her to get me coffee and now she's ran off somewhere."

"I haven't seen her, but I'll get your things," I muttered and started to walk away.

"That's it?" Dr. Tomlinson asked as he followed me.

"Yep," I mumbled.

"You walk slow," he noted. "You're going to have to speed it up."

"Sorry," I muttered again.

He followed me into the lift where we went to the third floor. "Talk."

"I have nothing to say," I frowned.

"You were let down on a surgery, weren't you?" He asked.

I looked at him and we got off the lift. "How'd you know?"

"I've seen that face too many times," grumbled Dr. Tomlinson. "Don't sulk, you're going to get plenty of surgeries in the future."

We started walking to the closet that was in clear view. "I know, it's just this one is really important to Mandy. She wanted me to be in there with her! It's not like I would've done anything! I was just going to stand there for two or three hours doing nothing but learning, and that's it! I just wanted to be there with Mandy!"

"You have Dr. Styles?" Dr. Tomlinson asked.

"Yes," I answered.

"The bloke owes me a favor," Dr. Tomlinson muttered. "I'll talk to him."

We stopped in front of the closet and I hugged him tightly. I jumped up and down in the hug and smiled widely.

"Thank you so much, Louis!" I smiled. "You are the greatest resident ever! Oh man, oh man! Thank you!"

"It's Dr. Tomlinson to you," Louis groaned and peeled my arms off of him.

I giggled and opened the closet. There, we saw Dr. Payne and Quinn kissing.

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