SEVEN| quinn

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"Dr. Scott!-"

I whipped around. "Don't you have anything better to do than bother me the entire day, Payne?!" I growled angrily.

Dr. Payne stopped in his tracks and frowned. "I was wondering if you'd enjoy joining me for dinner tonight?"

"Dinner?" I chuckled emotionlessly. "You're asking me out on a date?"

"If you want it to be a date," he smiled shyly.

"You're buying," I said.

"Of course!" He smiled.

"And don't expect me to be a woman, I won't be getting a water and a salad. I'm going to be getting the most expensive, meatiest meal on the menu," I said whilst crossing my arms.

"I look forward to it," Payne winked.

"Okay then," I shrugged.

"Okay," he smirked.

I rolled my eyes and walked away. I smirked and then turned around again to see him walking the opposite direction. I put my hand on my hip.

"Only if you'll let me scrub in on that neurosurgery you have planned today!" I called.

"I'll fit you in, Dr. Scott," Payne called, still walking away. "See you tonight."

I smiled and twisted away to go fetch Tomlinson his coffee. On my walk, I ran into Elizabeth, she looked absolutely gobsmacked. She walked quickly past me, which was weird because she walks slower than her old friend she got in a surgery for.

"Hey!" I called to her.

"Can't talk, I mean I can- but I can't right now! I'm sorry if I'm being rude I just have to go! Uh, if you see Dr. Styles, please tell him I'm in Mandy's room as he instructed. Not because I like him or anything, or that we did something- because we didn't! I just-" she cut herself off and pulled her hair. "I've got to go!"

"What'd you do?" I asked.

She sighed and pulled her hair again. "I kissed him!"

"Damn, Elizabeth! Looks like you're as cool as I never thought you were!" I laughed.

She walked towards me and bit her lip. "It's not funny! It was in an elevator!"

"Payne and I were in the supply closet," I shrugged.

"Oh my god, I'm so getting fired! Oh man, oh man! What if he tells on me?!" She panicked.

"We're both talking about Styles, right?" I asked.

"Yes!" She stressed.

"You kicked ass in surgery," I admitted. "He's turned on."

"Oh god, I won't have to get down on him, will I?" She cringed.

"Don't cringe, he's cute," I smirked.

"Hmm," she hummed and panicked even more.

I watched her, it's really starting to get pathetic. She's panicking over kissing an attendant when I nearly had sex with one. I groaned over dramatically which finally made her shut up.

"You like him?" I asked.

"Yes!" She answered quickly and then covered her mouth with her hands. "I mean, I don't know! Oh man, oh man, oh man! He's really cute, but he's so cocky and that's sort of annoying! And he stares into my eyes for too long most times and it makes me uneasy! I don't know!" She stressed even more.

"How about you ask him on a date," I suggested. "Me and Payne are going on me. Invite him with us, I need someone. I can at least tolerate you, but Payne, damn, he's annoying."

"I can't ask him on a date!" Elizabeth stressed. "He's scary and he barley talks to anyone! And he's probably got a girlfriend, or even a wife! Oh man, oh man, oh man! What if he has a wife! I'm a slutty mistress! Oh man!"

"Go to Mandy, I'll handle it," I rolled my eyes. "Just don't panic down the hallways, it's weird."

"Really? Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, Quinn! You are one of my bestest friends in this place!" She smiled and hugged me.

I pushed her off and nodded. "Yeah," I muttered and walked the opposite direction.

As I walked towards the lift, but standing there was bloody Tomlinson. He noticed me and rolled his eyes dramatically.

"Where's my bloody coffee?" He asked.

"Does it look like I know?" I groaned.

"I was going to let you scrub in Dr. Payne's surgery today since he asked so nicely, but you're going down to the morgue."

"The morgue?!" I yelled out. "I'm a surgeon! Not a body bag!"

"Two weeks," Tomlinson said and crossed his arms.

"What the hell!" I screamed again.


"Will you-"


"Fine!" I growled. "I'll go get your bloody coffee!"

"Then go to the morgue. I'll let Dr. Elizabeth scrub in on Payne's case with Marcus Degree, she's the only one here that I can tolerate," Tomlinson growled lowly. "Never thought I'd say that."

I rolled my eyes and walked away angrily.

"The lifts open!" Tomlinson called out to me.

"I'm taking the stairs!" I growled.

I heard him chuckle. He's such a bloody ass! This is supposed to be England's finest hospital?! I'm being deprived of an education! It's not fair and I'm not going to take it! I walked down the stairs and went to the lockers. There, I saw Horan sitting on the bench and playing on his phone.

"I bloody hate this hospital!" I yelled and kicked a locker.

"You were sent to the morgue too?" He chuckled, not even looking up from his phone.

"Yes! I went to Harvard medial school all the way in America just to be sent to the worse hospital ever!" I yelled.

"Damn, Harvard?" He asked. "I went to bloody Southampton."

"I wonder where the golden child went, she's gettin' all of our bloody surgeries!" I growled.

"I hear she went to Oxford or Cambridge, I don't know. I know it's somewhere in England, though," shrugged Horan.

"We've got to stop her," I growled.

Horan put his phone down and smirked. "Now you've got my attention! I'm up for that!"

"She likes Styles," I smirked back.

"Hm," Horan hummed and chuckled. "Let's get them together then."


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