ZERO| paige

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Hello and welcome to a bland book.
This story isn't like any other unless it is...
it may be like GA though...
I sure hope not.
But this story, it's graphic (it's not), advanced grammar (best a bad writer can do), and a bit dumb, enjoy.

Xxx, TS


"Welcome to England's Finest Hospital. You are my interns and I'm your resident, Louis Tomlinson, but it's Dr. Tomlinson to you," our resident Louis- Dr. Tomlinson announced.

Myself, a girl with bright hair, and a very cute guy told in front of our loud resident. The guy's cheeks were pink and he smiled at Louis- I mean Dr. Tomlinson.

"You'll be here on time everyday unless you want to go back to med school. This is a competition, we're competing against another resident, Zayn Malik, but it's Dr. Malik to you," Dr. Tomlinson said.

"Competition?" I asked. "We're competing in a hospital?"

Dr. Tomlinson scowled at me and I shrunk in my scrubs. "You won't talk unless you want to do charts the entire day."

"Yes sir, Louis- I mean Dr. Tomlinson," I apologized.

He rolled his eyes at me and continued. "The competition is to determine whose worthy enough to work here in England's Finest. Either my interns or Dr. Malik's."

"Isn't that what the test is for at the end?" I asked.

The other interns laughed softly at me. Dr. Tomlinson, whose chose to ignore my question, handed us small devices.

"What're these?" I asked.

"Maybe if you give me a chance, I'll tell you," Dr. Tomlinson told me with a scowl on his face.

I apologized, again.

"I will page you when I need you. When you're paged, you don't ignore it. You run and get there fast as you can." Dr. Tomlinson said.

"Aren't you going to ask us our names?" I asked. "I'm Paige Elizabeth! But not Paige as in the paging thing, but Paige as in p-a-i-g-e. You can call me Pagie if that makes it less confusing."

The other interns laughed at me while Dr. Tomlinson didn't even acknowledge me.

"Are you borderline stupid?" He asked.

"Ex-excuse me?" I stuttered.

"What university did you go to because it must've been a bad one," Dr. Tomlinson grumbled.

I stayed quiet and the other interns chucked. Are they picking on me?

"Your shifts are forty-eight hours at a time. I'll be back in five minutes with charts," Dr. Tomlinson said.

With that, he walked out of the bunks. I turned to the other interns and smiled.

"I'm Paige Elizabeth! It's so exciting being here!" I squealed. "Don't you think Dr. Tomlinson is sort of mean though?"

"Are you always this happy or...?" The guy asked.

I shook my head. "I'm just happy to be here!"

"Why? It's just a hospital, once med school would've been over, you would've been here anyways," shrugged the girl.

"Funny story is that the girl that was supposed to be here got transferred to a hospital in India instead. So I guess we both got lucky," I chuckled.

"Wait, you're telling me that you were number two in your class?" The girl asked.

I nodded and smiled. "What's so bad about that?"

They both laughed and shook their heads. Did I say something? Maybe there's somethings in my teeth. I picked at my teeth with my fingernails just to be sure there wasn't anything.

"Let's go!" Dr. Tomlinson yelled from outside the doors of the bunks.

We ran out of the bunks and followed him. I had to jog to keep up, he walks so fast!

"Wait! I didn't get your names!" I called to the other interns.

"Niall," the guy said.

"Quinn," said the girl.

I smiled. "Niall, Quinn, and Paige."

They turned to me and gave me a stupid look. Dr. Tomlinson ordered us to shut our mouths as we walked into a patients room. We were each given a copy of the patients chart and I skimmed through it quickly, she's really healthy.

"Dr. Horan, you're presenting," said Dr. Tomlinson.

"Dr. Horan?" I asked. "So I'm Dr. Elizabeth? Wow! It's only been five minutes and I'm already a doctor!"

"If you don't shut your mouth you'll be a patient," Dr. Tomlinson threatened.

The patient laughed and I smiled off his harsh words. The patient looked fine, she didn't seem to have anything wrong with her. She did have a runny nose and her eyes had a brim of red around them. Maybe she's got allergies like most people do in this time of the year. Niall coughed before presenting.

"Alison Webber, age forty-four, a mother of three and pregnant with twins, approximately thirty-five weeks. Diagnosed with the flu-"

"The flu!" I interrupted. "Shouldn't we have mask on and gloves and spray the room with a disinfectant!? Sorry, Mrs. Webber, but I just don't want to get sick on my first day here and-"

"Dr. Elizabeth! Get out right, now!" Dr. Tomlinson ordered.

"Watch for blood," I said to them. "Her eyes are showing-"

"Now!" Dr. Tomlinson ordered.

"Goodbye, Mr and Mrs. Webber," I frowned.

The couple waved at me awkwardly and I walked out of the room. Niall and Quinn are probably on the case.

"Are you alright?"

I turned around and it was a doctor- no, a surgeon! His scrubs were darker and he had that funny looking cap thing on his head!

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just got kicked out by Louis- I mean Dr. Tomlinson," I sighed. "I'm sort of glad though because that patient has the flu, and I don't want to get sick because it's my first day on the job, and I've been really lucky to even be here, so I can't get sick and-"

"I only asked if you were alright," said the surgeon.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was rambling on and on and on," I said and rolled up my sleeves. "I'm Paige Elizabeth, or Dr. Elizabeth if you want to be fancy."

The surgeon nodded and shook my hand. "Doctor Harry Styles."

By this time, Quinn and Dr. Tomlinson were making their way out of Mrs. Webber's infected room. They should really spray it, that's not safe. It's so germy in there.

"Harry," said Dr. Tomlinson and gave him a fist bump. "What can I do for you?"

"I need an intern, Malik's are all occupied," said Harry.

Dr. Tomlinson looked at me and rolled his eyes as I smiled, showing all of my teeth. "Take her."

"Yay!" I smiled.

They gave me odd looks and Harry chuckled. "I appreciate it, Louis."

"How come he can call you Louis but I can't?" I asked crossing my arms.

Dr. Tomlinson rubbed his temples in stress. "Please take her before I kill her."

"Will do," Harry laughed. "Lets go, Dr. Elizabeth."

I smiled and we walked away. I gave Dr. Tomlinson a wave before leaving with Harry. This is fun!

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