TWO| niall

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"It's inoperable," I said to Mister and Mrs. Webber kindly. "You simply have the flu from getting your flu shot a couple days ago."

"How so?" Mr. Webber asked.

"The flu in injected into you when you are given the flu shot. Your body fights off the injected substance, you're taking longer than usual because of your age," I answered softly.

Mr. Webber spoke first. "Is that is? There is always bad news."

"Well," I started and they frowned. "Having any type of sickness is very risky at your age, Mrs. Webber. But we will prescribe you antibiotics and you'll be home in a couple minutes."

They smiled and hugged each other. "Thank you so much, Dr. Horan!"

I smiled and wrote the diagnosis on my clipboard. I walked out of the room and to the desk where I went past a nurse. I nudged her.

"Prescribed Webber with Zanamivir," I said. "Give her Relenza."

I started to walk away until the nurse called me back. I groaned and turned around.

"What?" I asked.

"Zanamivir is an inhalant," she said.

"Obviously," I said.

"You need to examine her before giving her an inhalant," said the nurse.

"I'm the doctor, do your job and actually listen to the doctor," I said whilst rolling my eyes.

"You were in there for five minutes. You haven't even examined her," said the nurse.

"How about you do it then since you think you're so good at my job?" I groaned and walked away.

I saw Quinn stealing a chart and I shook my head. I can't believe I got put with two girls. Girls can't be surgeons! They're better off being nurses, even though they suck at that too. Being a surgeon is a mans job. I'd be the perfect surgeon, I am absolutely perfect. My pager started to buzz and it was to Mrs. Webber's room. What does she need now? I just left her bloody room! I walked to her room to notice she was violently shaking.

"What happened?!" I asked the nurses in the room.

"She's seizing, how do you proceed Dr. Horan?" The nurse asked.

"What's happening to my wife?!" Mr. Webber screamed. "Someone help her! What's going on?!"

"How do you proceed, Dr. Horan?!" The nurse yelled at me.

"Help her! What's going on?!" Mr. Webber yelled.

"Dr. Horan, she is coding!" The nurse yelled.

"No! My beautiful wife! Someone help her!" Mr. Webber cried loudly.

My mind went blank, I couldn't move. What do I do? I don't know what to do. Everything went blank as I watched the woman shake. Suddenly, I came back to reality and blinked rapidly. The noises of the nurses calling out her stats and the cries of Mr. Webber haunted my ears. I exhaled a breath I seemed to be holding in and looked around the room.

"Someone get him out of here!" I ordered. "Now!"

Nurses immediately did as they were told and I stood beside Mrs. Webber, who was still violently shaking. I ordered the two nurses beside me to bring in a crash cart and turn the patient on her side, they did as they were told. I looked into Mrs. Webber's eyes and she had blood trickling down her cheeks.

"Put her down, now!" I ordered.

The nurses laid her on her back and I didn't know what to do. I thought about every scenario but no solution would come up in my head. Mrs. Webber continued to shake and blood poured out of her eyes. I got my pager and paged Dr. Tomlinson multiple times. He needs to hurry up!

"How do you proceed, Dr. Horan?!" The nurse asked.

"I don't know! Keep paging Dr. Tomlinson!" I ordered.

"You're the doctor on this case, how do you proceed?!" The woman asked frantically.

"Vitals are low, she's crashing!" The other nurse said.

"Fine, charge to three hundred!" I demanded.

The chargers were placed in my hands, but I didn't know to to use them. Gel was placed on the chest of Mrs. Webber and then the chargers were ready. I let it a long breath.


The electricity only made the woman worse. I gave the chargers back to the nurses and panicked. What do I do?! The nurses stopped listening to me and did their own thing in efforts of trying to help the woman, but it was to late.

"Call it," the nurse said.

I stared at the woman who I thought only had the flu. She lay deadly still and the blood still ran down her cheeks from her eyes. I didn't know what to do, what should I have done?

"Call it, Dr. Horan," the nurse ordered.

"Time of death, twelve thirty-seven."

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