Hisashi Ouchi 83 days of suffering

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Hisashi Ouchi 83days of suffering.

On Sept. 30, 1999, one of the World´s worst nuclear accidents happened in a facility northeast of Tokyo in
Tokaimura. The accident occurred as two workers, Hisashi Ouchi and Masato Shinohara were pouring a solution of uranium oxide in nitric acid into a sedimentation tank by hand, using buckets.
Criticality was reached. The following nuclear fission chain reaction became self-sustaining and began to emit intense gamma and neutron radiation. At the time of the criticality event, Ouchi had his body draped over the tank and immedietly saw a flash of blue light emanating from the container.
He vomited in to the tank and lost consciousness. His co-worker Masato Shinohara managed to run three paces before losing consciousness as alarms sounded.
When doctors received the two patients in Tokyo they were not yet aware of the extent of damage incurred.
A look at Ouchi’s chromosomes revealed that they had been shattered like glass. Doctors knew they had no chance to save his life.
He had been exposed to 17,000 times the legally sanctioned dose of radiation—comparable with radiation levels at the epicentre of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima.
His immune system had been destroyed, with his white blood cell count barely registering. His skin began to slough off of his body .
For 83 days medical staff exerted questionable efforts to keep Hisashi alive, including daily blood transfusions, multiple skin transplants and what is believed to be the world’s first transfusion of peripheral stem cells.
Doctors treating him stated that he displayed signs of pain throughout his treatment, despite huge doses of painkillers . A Week after the accident Ouchi was still able to communicate and stated that he wanted to die because he couldn´t take the pain anymore.
Instead, he was resuscitated several times from heart failures.
Ouchi’s intestines began to melt, so doctors put a camera in his rectum to monitor their condition. His muscular tissue broke down to the point where it began to slide off of his bones. He constantly needed watertransfusion because his body couldn´t hold any liquids due to the unbelieveabke lack of skin.
Ouchi died 82 days after exposure of multiple organ failures in a condition that can be described as
“skeletonized” .

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