Atlantis of the east

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India is a country with a complex religious geography. There are many pilgrimage sites in the country out of which some holds a strong traditional and holy mythological background. Dwarka is largely visited my numbers of pilgrims because of its strong association with Lord Krishna. Dwarka is a town located at the cost of Gujarat in Jamnagar district. Out of so many sacred cities of India, today we will seek a deeper knowledge of Dwarka city.

Dwarka is best known for its origination which dates back to 3200 BC. Yes, it is older than the Harrapan civilization. Dwarka city is mention in Skanda Purana, Vishnu Purana, Srimad Bhagavad Gita and the Harivamsha. As per the mythology of Hindus, Dwarka was the city where the eighth avatar of Vishnu once lived. Dwarka city was considered as the kingdom of Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna who was born in Mathura, killed his Uncle Kansa who was the tyrannical ruler of the Dwarka city. It was Lord Krishna who built the city. Traditionally, the city of Dwarka was identified as Dvaraka or Dvaravati. It was even mentioned in Mahabharata as Krishna’s city.

How Did This Holy City Get Swept Away By A Great Wave Of Water?
It was stated by many ancient legends of Dwarka city tells us that it was submerged by a great wave of water long ago. It was still ignored by arachnologists and contemporary historians. But as per recent findings of the new science, it produces accurate models of ancient shorelines.

Dwarka city was rumoured to be submerged in water over 30,000 years ago. There are many discoveries about this legendary tale but it’s still difficult to prove if these tales are factual or just a myth.

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