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Lapping gently at our feet.
On your shores we enjoy treats that are so sweet.
You entertain so many on your sunny beach.
You keep mysterious just beyond our reach.
You hold so much life.
Yet, you're at the end of all human strife.
On your shores you release some of the treasures that you hold.
But behold.

Factories pollute you.
Run off's destroy every bit of life in you.
Ships drop their anchors in you.
They break your precious reefs and over fish you.
Oh how I wish I could help you.
It takes more than one person to fix you.
It takes millions in order to redeem you.
The fish, they scream to you.
Yet their voices are lost beneath you.

Oh the solution is easy.
But human greed says we're cheesey.
Hippies, tree huggers, ecoist they call us.
They ignore the evidence and yell at us for causing a fuss.
Oh are fate is sealed. This I trust.
Unless something changes we are all doomed to a world that is a bust.
No one person can change our fate.
We must band together and not at 2nd rate
But no. No one believes us.
They say it's not something we should discuss.
Into reality we are thrust.
We take more than we need.
Leaving the world dirty and uncleaned.
Yet we continue on.
Until one day there will be no break of dawn.

The Girl Who Touched the GroundWhere stories live. Discover now