Dream - XI

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Calem and Shauna followed Ash into the building. It looked to be about 50 meters in height and 300 meters wide. Calling it "big" would have been somewhat of an understatement. That, however, was just the building. The launch pads and the landing strips were behind the building... and they could only imagine how big the "backyard" was.

We join Calem and Shauna as they follow Ash into a room inside the building.

No One's POV

"So... he actually made it huh?" Calem asked himself as he looked at Ash.

Shauna, however, was standing right next to him, so she heard him and decided to reply.

"You sound surprised. Whatever happened to 'We always succeed , because we are awesome'?" Shauna asked him with a smirk.

Calem, however, frowned and turned to face away from Shauna.

"...This isn't a success." he replied quietly.

Shauna sighed, however, immediately replied.

"Lighten up Calem, we're in the HSA." she spoke as she smiled brightly at him.

Calem couldn't help but crack a smile. He was about to reply when someone else came into the room.

"Mr Ketchum, please wait here. Someone will come and show you around shortly." the person spoke and them immediately left the room.

Ash walked over to the empty chair by the window and took a seat. He then placed a book, one he had been holding since the car ride, on the table in front of the chair. Calem and Shauna walked over to investigate.

It read:

<To The Moon>

The story about a lameduck's attempt to become an Astronaut.

-A novel by Red Ketchum.

The final line surprised both Calem and Shauna. They had no idea that Red actually did manage to become a successful author.

"I can't believe that this crap actually sold." Calem spoke as he scoffed.

Shauna gave him a deadpanned look before replying.

"This isn't the real world, Calem."

The two doctors then decided to look around the room a little. There were posters of the moon and various rockets hanging on the Aquaboard walls of the room. One poster in particular caught their eye as it was significantly larger than the others.

The two doctors walked closer to the poster to inspect it further. It had an image of, what looked like, a conical beer-hat with made out of metal... but only about 20 times larger. They then spotted some writing underneath the poster.

The Rocketdyne F-1.

Five of them were used in the first stage of the Saturn V rockets that first sent man to the Moon. The most powerful engines ever produced, they exerted 6.77 MegaNewtons of force at sea level. That is over 35x more thrust than your average jet engine.

It has been calculated that a single F-1 produces around 28 million brake horsepower (bhp). To put this into perspective, an average family car produces around 150 bhp while the Bugatti Veryon produces only around 1000 bhp.

And that was only One F-1 engine. The Saturn V used five of them during its initial take off.

"Which crazy bastard designed this thing?" Calem asked as he stared at the photo of the engine in awe. He seemed to have realised that the "beer-hat" from earlier was only the nozzle of the engine. The whole thing was much, much larger.

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