Fatal Resilience - III

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Calem and Shauna have started travelling back in Ash's memories. Right now, they are in Ash's most recent memory. The weather wasn't too good and they were currently outside.

They are trying to look for Ash so that they can either travel further back into his memories ,or work out why Ash wishes to go to the moon.

We join Calem and Shauna as they start exploring Ash's memory.

No One's POV

"Right, let's go explore this memory!" said Shauna as she started walking straight ahead.

Calem nodded and followed her.

The two didn't need to walk for too long. Moments later, they emerged though the bushes and onto an opening by the cliff. As soon as they did so, they noticed two things immediately. A lighthouse and a human.

The lighthouse was the same one that was near Ash's house. Judging by that, they assumed that they were near Ash's house.

The human was... Ash. He was standing there with an umbrella shielding him from the downpour, the same umbrella that Calem and Shauna used as a memento to travel into this memory.

Ash was standing in front of a peculiar looking rock.

Upon sight of that, Calem gasped. He had been here before... and he knew exactly what that rock was. As he was thinking about that, Shauna spoke up.

"Calem, I think we should activate our cloaks." she recommended.

Calem nodded and started fiddling with a small instrument for a couple of seconds. Shauna followed suit. Moments later, they had finishing what they were doing.

By activating their cloaks, what they did was, they practically made themselves invisible to memory Ash. Calem and Shauna could hear and see memory Ash, however, memory Ash couldn't see, nor hear the two young doctors. This made everything easier to work with, and it would help them avoid any uncomfortable meetings with Ash.

Without saying anything, Shauna started walking towards Ash. She was curious as to why Ash was standing there in the rain, looking at a piece of rock. Shauna walked over to Ash and stood right next to him. She looked at the rock and her eyes widened as she read what was written on it.

"In memory of Serena Ketchum..." she whispered to herself.

It was now Shauna's turn to realise that it was Serena's grave.

While Shauna was looking at the tombstone, Calem was more concentrated on an extremely weird stuffed platypus that was on the floor, right next to Ash.

"Honestly, I don't think that this animal has the right to exist!" he said out loud.

Bemused, Shauna looked at him.

"Huh? What're you talking about?" she asked.

Calem pointed at the toy platypus.

"Just look at it! It's got a duck's head with a beaver's body. It's a mammal... but lays eggs?" Calem said  as he gave the toy a discomforting look.

Shauna just rolled her eyes.

"Come on, Calem. There's nothing much out here. There's probably something inside the lighthouse." she said as she made her way into the lighthouse.

Calem nodded as started following Shauna. He was about to enter the lighthouse, however, he stopped when he heard Ash talk.

"It's finished, Serena."

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