Broken Brotherhood - VIII

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After their discovery in the school's cafeteria, Calem and Shauna have traveled further back into Ash's memories.

They have traveled to Ash's house, more specifically, into his living room. Ash, who seems to be in his very early 'teens, is coming out of his room and walking towards the living room.

We join Calem and Shauna as they try to discover more about him.

No One's POV

The living room itself seemed quite cosy. A large beige sofa dominated the wall behind the two doctors as an old grandfather clock tick-tocked in a soothing rhythm.The noise, however, was drowned out by the radio playing in the background.

Ash's footsteps could be heard very clearly as they clicked along the hardwood floors of the room. The young Ash walked though the living room and opened the door to the kitchen and made his way in.

"I'm going to school now, mom!" Ash spoke in an excited manner as he clutched his schoolbag in his hands.

His mother, Delia, seemed to be cooking something on the hob. She stopped whatever she was doing and faced Ash.

"Alright Red, have a nice day!" she spoke in a motherly voice while beaming down on her son with a warm smile.

Ash returned the smile and nodded. He then walked out of the kitchen and out of the house.

Delia then spoke to herself.

"My baby boy... growing up so fast..."

Delia then returned to cooking.

"Well... that was short..." spoke Calem as he watched Delia continue fiddling around in the kitchen.

Shauna nodded and the spoke up.

"Let's find another memento." she said as she started going towards Ash's room as she assumed that she would find something that could work as a memento in his room.

Calem understood what Shauna was doing so he followed her into Ash's room.

As soon as the two entered Ash's room, they found it to be surprisingly tidy. They were expecting a chairdrobe and clothes to be scattered all across the floor, however, to their surprise, everything was neatly tucked away. There were two chairs and a table at one corner of the room while a wardrobe stood in the other corner. A large potted plant was placed on the floor between table and the wardrobe. A black and while patterned football rested underneath the table.

It all seemed like a typical bedroom to Calem and Shauna. They couldn't notice anything out of the ordinary. Well... there was one thing. The bed.

For some reason, Ash had a bunk bed. It looked too small for Delia to sleep in... so she definitely didn't sleep there. This was quite interesting to Calem and Shauna, however, they didn't pay much attention to it for too long. Instead, they went around looking for a memento to use.

Eventually, they settled on using the football as the memento, and sure enough, the space around them started distorting, however, this time, it felt slightly different to the two doctors.

They didn't think much of it... until they were deposited into Ash's next memory... or rather the lack of it.

Calem and Shauna found themselves in the middle of nowhere. Everything around them was white and they could see nothing, feel nothing, smell nothing... but they could hear something. They could hear the sound of children playing. Other than that, it was all just vast, empty nothingness. The two doctors grew worried by this... so Calem decided to voice his concern.

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