Inception - V

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Calem and Shauna are in Ash and Serena's house now. They have been travelling further and further back into Ash's memories, and right now, they seem to be in his mid/late-forties.

Ash has just left the room and headed down the stairs to look for Serena. We join Calem and Shauna as they follow Ash.

No One's POV

"I guess we're going to have to look around the house now." said Calem as he eyed the door Ash through which Ash just left.

Shauna nodded.

"Yeah, lets follow him, find a memento and get out of here." said Shauna as she started walking behind Ash. Calem followed Shauna.

They walked down the stairs in complete silence. Calem and Shauna took their time to admire the house. It was different to the one near the cliff in various ways. What they immediately spotted was that it seemed a lot smaller, however, for a couple living by themselves, it seemed to be about the right size.

The insides felt like a home should. The floors were all carpeted and the walls were all painted a calming shade of blue. It complemented the cream coloured carpets.

As they reached the living room, they noticed that the room was small, however, it didn't feel cramped. The large windows allowed sunlight to fill the whole room. That paired with what little furniture they had made everything seem a lot more spacious that it really was.

Ash then opened a door which happened to lie underneath the stairs. As soon as he did so, the two doctors were surprised to find an almost completely dark room. It was a huge contrast to the rest of the house.

Ash entered first while the two doctors followed reluctantly, unsure of what they were expecting.

As soon as they did so, their eyes widened. Ash stood in the middle of the room while Serena was seated on a chair near the rear wall of the room. The stuffed toy platypus sat on top of the table in front of her while Serena sat there... making origami Poliwags. What was even more surprising was the fact that there were more Poliwags were spread out throughout the whole room.

"So... I guess this is where it all started..." Shauna whispered.

Calem just nodded in response.

Ash stood there staring at Serena. He was extremely surprised by something, so he decided to talk to Serena about it.

"You went out for a haircut this early in the morning?" he asked her. Calem and Shauna could hear how surprised Ash was.

To the two doctors, Serena didn't look any different. She still had the same shoulder length honey-blonde hair that Calem and Shauna had seen in all of Ash's memories so far.

Serena didn't reply to Ash's question. It didn't seem like she even acknowledged it. It looked like she was ignoring Ash as she didn't even look at him as he spoke. She just kept fiddling with the piece of paper in her hands.

Ash was slightly taken aback by this, so he tried to spark another conversation, hoping this time, she would actually reply. Ash walked closer to the desk and spoke again.

"What're you making there?"

"Poliwags." replied Serena, still not looking at Ash. Her voice sounding almost monotone. 

"Did you see the Poliwag I left for you?" she asked him after a moment of silence.

"Yeah." replied Ash softly as he tried not to accidentally mess things up in what seemed like a fragile situation. He was still unsure of where the conversation was going though.

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