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I have been informed that some people would like a different ending to this book so here.
third person pov

Mallory had been sitting on her and Louis' couch when her life basically blew up right in front of her. She was reading a book Louis had gotten her, 13 Reasons Why.

She had just finished it and when she turned to the last page, she found an envelope labeled Mallory. She looked towards Louis, who sat in a chair next to the couch, seemingly texting someone.

She hesitated, but opened the envelope with a little struggle. After many tips and tears, she pulled out a folded piece of notebook paper. She smoothed it out and began to read it, occasionally glancing at Louis.

13 Reasons Why I'm Breaking Up With You (and you won't be mad)

1- I'm gay
2- Harry Styles is hot
3- I'm not straight
4- I don't want to live a lie with you
5- is rather fuck Harry Styles
6- sorry not sorry
7- but have you seen Harry's face
8- he's like really hot
9- you're one of the first ten people to know Larry is real so you can blog about it and shit before anyone else
10- you're jokes are shit
11- Harry's are shit too but he's a guy and hot so
12- I'm gay
13- Larry Stylinson is real

Mallory, by the end, was crying into her hands and smiling. Louis now stood next to Harry, whose hair had grown out a little more. Louis' arm was wrapped around Harry's waist and he stared lovingly at Harry.

Mallory, on the other hand, couldn't thing of anything to say. Finally, she just muttered, "I should be mad, but I'm not. After all you did text me thinking it was Harry. I'm so happy for you. I'm just going to go buy a dog."

Louis and Harry smiled as Mallory silently got up and left. Finally, now they can have sex.

Sent From Louis // l.t.Where stories live. Discover now