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Louis: I want to meet you eventually

Mallory: as do I to you

Louis: you live in Australia

Louis: right

Mallory: I do

Louis: well I have thought about it

Mallory: and

Louis: I want to come see you in Australia

Mallory: no

Louis: why

Mallory: my brother would get so mad you don't even know

Louis: you have a brother?

Mallory: he's 25

Mallory: he watches my sister and me most of the time

Mallory: he doesn't go to school

Louis: oh

Mallory: I don't either

Louis: that's ok

Louis: I don't either

Mallory: yeah I know

Louis: so why can't I visit you again

Mallory: one being my brothers anger issues

Louis: and two?

Mallory: and two being the fact that you still could be an old guy that just looked up facts about Louis Tomlinson

Louis: oh

Louis: I have been caught

Mallory: stop Louis

Louis: you mean Lewis my old man name

Louis: Mallory what do I need to do to prove it

Louis: I'll follow you one Twitter

Louis: I'll tweet a weird message

Louis: I'll take a descriptively weird picture

Louis: or a video of me saying something

Mallory: all of it

Louis: that's such hard work

Mallory: ok then old man

Louis: fine

Mallory: follow me my username is mallorygregors47

Louis: why 47

Mallory: no reason

Louis: ok done

Mallory: oh my gosh I have so many followers now wtf

Louis: I'm Louis Tomlinson

Louis: so you will have followers

Mallory: ok next tweet a quote from the fault in our stars

Louis: ok I did it

Mallory: oh my gosh I read it I'm going to cry

Louis: doNT CRY MAL

Mallory: ok

Louis: what's next

Mallory: take a picture of you licking Harry's cheek

Louis: ew

Louis: but ok

Louis: [picture attached]

Mallory: you were right

Mallory: ew

Mallory: now take a video of you saying "oh my gosh Mallory Gregors that is the age of twenty born in Philadelphia is the best person I've ever texted"

Louis: ok

Louis: [video attached]

Mallory: hhahahAHAHAHAHAHAH I'm laughing

Mallory has saved a video

Louis: I can see that

Mallory: can you though

Louis: no

Mallory: I didn't think so

Louis: can I meet you now

Mallory: not yet


Mallory: when's your next tour

Louis: in a couple months why

Mallory: do you stop in Australia

Louis: yea

Mallory: I'll be there

Louis: it's in Sydney

Mallory: so am I


Mallory: yes

Louis: kool

Mallory: indeed
Look at how adorable he is. I can't. AAAAGGGGHHHH.

xx Amelia

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