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Mallory: can I call you?

Louis: yeah sure
Mallory's POV

Calling him was the one thing I needed to do. Once his number was dialed and his voice on the phone, I let it out. I let everything out.

It started with the tears. I cried like a hormonal girl-maybe I was PMSing but that's not the point.

"Mallory, spill."

I sniffled, mentally preparing myself for my rant. "So you know how my brother just got arrested so apparently he's not getting out of jail for a while and I don't even know what happened because no one will tell me.

"Then, there's the fact that I told you about my parents and that's been making me really sad-like crying and death sad.

"On top of all of that, they think my grandmother is dying. They don't know what's wrong and she won't respond to medicine. She's just dying. The only family I have left is my sister. I don't know how to cope with any of this. I'm trying to figure out my pathetic excuse of a love life, provide for my little sister and I, get by shitty stupid brother out of jail, cope with my parents death that has be renewed in my brain, and help my grandmother not die.

"I don't even know where I'll live if she dies. She hates me. She won't give me money or her house in her will. She'll just give it all to her fucking country club friends. And I'm having sob session after sob session. For crying out loud I thought this shit only happened in books," I screamed. I was thankfully home alone. I bribed Anna to take Izzy to a movie so I had he house to myself.

"Mallory, calm down. Let's break this down, piece by piece. First of all, what's so bad about your brother going to jail? I thought you hated him," he said.

"I do. All he does is go to bars and spend our money, but he's my brother. I can't just let him go to jail."

It was true. No matter what, I would stick by my family. Family was all I had left. My brother may be a horrible person, but I could try and help him become a better one.

"I see your point, but Mal, what if when he comes back, all he does is party still," he reasoned. I could see his point. It was a very good point at that.

"If he was spending a lot your money in the first place, you shouldn't give him chance after chance. How many times has he messed up majorly? You can't just let him go unpunished.

"Maybe he is messed up, scarred from the death of your parents, leaving him to provide, but he isn't providing. He is supposed to, but he threw the responsibility on you. He needs discipline or else he will never know when to stop."

I knew Louis was right. That was why I was crying.

"Okay. I get it now. I'm going to call the police later, then," I whispered.

"Now, I'm not trying to overwhelm you, but what else do you want to talk about?" he asked softly.

"My grandmother."

"Mal, if your grandmother dies, I will help you and your sister. You can live with Harry and I. As for your comfort, I will be there. I will be there for you and your sister," he replied with a note of authority in his voice.

"No, I don't want to be in your way."

I had always had a problem with someone offering me a place to stay. Even when I was little, I felt bad fi sleeping over at friends houses.

"Mallory, you will not be in the way. You are my way," he answered. It was a whisper and he sounded slightly hurt.

"If you don't want to stay, don't, but know that it is always an option to stay with me," he said with more confidence.

"I can't pay you, though."

I didn't have money. I didn't have anything, and staying at another persons house for free was definitely not a choice.

"You don't have to. Mallory, this is my way of thanking you. Now I know I'm making all these plans depending on your grandmothers life, but this needs to be said. Mallory, you make me smile. You make me laugh, scream, happy, sad, and confused. Those are all good things, though. If you can make my feelings go from the top of the mountain to the bottom, you have quite the pull on my heart."

By the time he was done, I was crying more. I could relate to everything he said. Every sentence, every word, every letter, was something I could relate to.

"Thank you. Thank you so much. I can't even tell myself how much you have done for me. I can begin to imagine what else will happen, but I know you will be there. That is why I thank you," I quietly said. By now, it was late at night. I was tired.

"Do you want to talk until we fall asleep?"

And that is what we did.
I'm sorry it took me like a week to update. I'm really tired and lazy, but I'm done with this one so SALL GOOD. There was this kid at the pool I went to and he was humping the bar and I was very disturbed. ALSO I WENT TO A STORE AND THEY HAD THESE BANDANA HEADBAND THINGS AND THEY REMINDED ME OF HARRY BUT THEY WERE LIKE 15 DOLLARS AND I AM NOT RICH SO I DIDNT GET ONE.

xx Amelia

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