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Anna: Mallory I know you're with Louis but you need to come back to your grandmothers house

Mallory: what

Mallory: why

Anna: your brother got arrested

Mallory: what?

Anna: he assaulted a police officer

Mallory: what?

Anna: he's being arrested


Mallory: ok I'm on my way
Louis: is your brother ok?

Mallory: he fought a police officer so he'll be in jail for a while

Louis: are you ok?

Mallory: no

Mallory: they found drugs on him too

Mallory: he was selling them

Louis: I'm sorry Mallory

Mallory: don't be

Mallory: it's ok

Louis: you can't go back to Australia

Mallory: I know we'll have to stay with my grandmother

Mallory: we were going to anyway until she gets better

Louis: ok

Louis: call me if you need ANYTHING

Mallory: I will
SO IM IN ALABAMA (on the way to Florida) WITH MT FRIEND FIR A WEEK AND IM HYPED (she reads this lol hi friend your sleeping as I write this) ALSO THE WORD Y'ALL IS EVERYWHERE H E L P

xx Amelia

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