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Jensen Ackles

One month later

The interviewer in front of him wore, a black suit with matching shoes. His expensive Ball Trainmaster Streamliner glimmer in the light. Jensen fixed his dark blue tie with his fingertips. The fabric was soft against his palm. In this option, the suit was a bit too tight, but he wasn't one to whine about it. Jared sat beside him, wearing close to the same outfit except the colors were brighter and other forms in the fabric.

A recorder was in the middle of the dark wooden table. Another camera behind, that filmed everything. Jensen nodded to the interviewer. Jared leaned close to his ear, "his name is Simon." Jensen glanced at him. Before focusing all his attention on him.

"Please introduce yourselves," Simon's smooth voice said, as he pressed on the recorder and the cameraman took on his camera with a swift click.

They winked at the same time, told their names, about Supernatural, and when it came to the actual interview. Jensen crossed his arms over his chest as he listened closely to what Simon had to say.

"So, people are wondering if the boys will survive this season, it's looking pretty grim for both of them," Simon began as he folded his arms on the table. His smile was broad on his face. Excited by his whole voice.

Jensen gave Simon his best poker face. He got no idea. But he hoped he didn't need to look for a new job again next week, it would suck. Jensen truly loved to act Dean Winchester. And it showed. Jensen brushed Jared gently on the shoulder and nodded to him.

Jared straightened up in his seat. "We will just have to wait and see. They don't tell us anything before we got the green light about a new season. And we are wondering about the same thing about Sam and Dean's situation. Definitely not an easy place to be right now. The cage opening and Lucifer on the loose? I would be worried as well," Jared finished as he rubbed his back head.

Trust Pad to keep it on track. Jensen waved his hand to make the others pay him any attention. "To be honest, I am happy Ruby is gone. She was trouble right and left. But Genevieve did an amazing job during the last scene you saw in the episode. Too bad her character never lived to see how this is all going to end."

"I see," Simon responded. "There goes rumors about Ruby's death, something going on backstage?" Simon raised his eyebrows and grinned. He tapped his hand on the desk without breaking eye contact in Jared's direction. 

Jensen moved uncomfortably in his chair. He leaned closer to Simon. A wicked glint in his apple green eyes. "Wait and see man, you are going to either love it or lose it."

Jared laughed nervously.

"On the topic of backstage, what was going on with you guys? You suddenly disappeared without a trace for a month."

Oh, here it was. Jensen stared at Mish's back a few chairs away from them. Misha gestured with huge movements with his hands. Still, the tensed shoulders told another story. Misha talked with the same optimism as he usually did though. A guest star, yes, but family. Especially after everything that had happened since then. Jensen shook his head and turned his attention back to the interview.

"We had some issues and fixed them," Jensen chose to answer for Jared. "But we are good now. However, the writers have been briefing us about some stuff to look forward to. Like for Dean's story? Is only beginning."

"The beginning of what?" Simon frowned.

"Their fates," Jared teased.

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