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Sam Winchester

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Sam Winchester

He stretched his back and rubbed his eyes before Sam yawned. He blinked until the trailer came into focus. A grim reminder he wasn't home. He decided to walk out. Everything was different from the road he usually went with Dean. People greeted him and he did the same back as good he could.

Sam took a short trip to the set since he had nothing better to do. Afterward, he showered before Sam began more in-depth research about his actor. From Jared's text messages, he saw he liked the actress to Ruby. But to him, she wasn't just a demon, she cared about him. Jared seemed like a nice guy but something bothered him.

Sam hacked into Jensen's accounts to clear out stuff. Surprise showed on his face when he saw, both actors were from Texas and treated each other like brothers. Although, differently than he and Dean. They didn't hold the whole world's future in their hands. But the fans were worse.

Some sent hate mail, others critiqued Jared's acting in a bad light. Sam shook his head in confusion. The emails were marked unopened until he read them. He concluded he would have to be careful around Ruby—Genevieve Padalecki. She would easily be capable of seeing through Sam's act. He had not Jared's practice to be on screen.

"Mornin', Sammy," Dean's voice echoed in the trailer. He smelled the black coffee, Dean sat down on the table then he took a sip from the coffee. "I swear, those guys are rich. This is great."

Sam rolled his eyes. "Not really, Dean." He pushed over Jensen's phone to Dean. "Your actor has no money. And the fans out there? It can be anything. We got to convince Bobby, we aren't actors at some point. I don't know how long we will be able to fake it."

He heard the flutters of wings. Both Sam and Dean flinched in their seats. Castiel stared towards them. His features held a poker face, no emotions shone through. It freaked Sam out a little. "I need to know, did you have any contact with any of my brothers?" Cas asked.

"No," Sam was quick to answer. "Nothing I could pick up, and you?" He looked up at Cas. Sam wondered what he got.

"It's silent," Cas stated, his brows furrowed.

"So angel radio isn't working. We got no idea what pulled us out here. Oh, and on top of that, we have to be actors. Hell, is one thing to lie for the police but this is serious stuff," Dean crossed his arms over his chest. Sam nodded to Dean. Dean saw it as a sign to continue. "This fake—Dean, is pissing me off. He acts just like me in the script. I am going to the punch the guy that wrote it in the face. He is literally using our lives to gain money. What the hell is wrong with people?" Dean took another sip of coffee.

The silence descended upon the group. After a few minutes Sam and his big brother cleaned up from the short breakfast when people asked them why they didn't show up, they lied. Quickly, Sam, Dean, and Cas were dragged to different trailers to become characters. In their case, themselves.

Then the filming started. Already some fans were excited on the other side of the building they filmed a suspect scene. Dean was the most important role in the scene. He could tell Dean was scared, so he whispered to Dean before he let him go to the scene.

Dean's performance astonished even him, after two and a half hours they wrapped up the scene. Later Sam acted with Dean in a scene back from the city he had been in before. It was back on the set. Then Sam could sit back for the rest of the day. Though, he did get to see his brother in action.

The director named Bobby talked to Dean before the scene and introducing him to Cas even though they already had met. Sam leaned back in Jared's seat and begun to pay attention when Dean's and Cas's scene started.

Dean's crunches to check Bobby. His gaze turns hard when he turns towards Castiel again. Dean's posture tensed up, his jaw clenched slightly. Castiel stood indifferent, his eyes locked into Dean's. A short silence laid upon them both.

"Your friend is alive," Castiel informed Dean.

Now Dean's green eyes became darker, his distrust clear on his face. "Who are you?" Dean asked, his suspicion clear in his voice. Castiel didn't wait long before he answered Dean's question with a cold apathy.


Dean slowly began to straighten himself up before fired his next question. "Yeah, I figured that much, I mean what are you?" Dean snapped to Castiel. His voice hid fear but his anger shone through. Castiel didn't change his approach about how he dealt with it.

"I am an angel of the lord," Castiel said. He titled his head slightly.

"Get the hell out of here. There's no such thing," Dean snapped for the second time that day. Clearly happy about an excuse to show off his anger to the angel. He stood up straight now. Dean was ready to attack at any given moment just as back at the trailer the day before.

"This is your problem, Dean. You have no faith." Castiel tried to hold his face in character, it was natural to him to use his powers but he had to fake for the scene to work through. The other people around the scene activated the lighting around the set. And the wings spread themselves slowly up behind Castiel before they disappeared completely.

"Some angel you are. You burned out that poor woman's eyes," Dean stated. His voice filled with venom. Dean didn't need to try to seem hurt by it since he was.

"I warned her not to spy on my true form. It can be..." Castiel began to explain himself before he paused. His gaze worried. "Overwhelming to humans, and so can my real voice. But you already knew that." Castiel finished his lines. He checked his trenchcoat before looking back at Dean in front of him.

"You mean the gas station and the motel. That was you talking?" Dean asked he struggled for a moment to show surprise. Then it washed over his face.

Castiel nodded.

"Buddy, next time, lower the volume," Dean said. His eyes glossed over for a few seconds as if he recalled a memory as it had actually taken place.

"That was my mistake. Certain people, special people, can perceive my true visage. I thought you would be one of them. I was wrong," Castiel apologized in earnest. His discomfort clear on his features.

"And what visage are you in now, huh? What, holy tax accountant?" Dean kept asking. Obviously wanted to dig to the core. He was well aware the script actually held knowledge that fit in how he saw the world.

"This? This is..." Castiel had another short pause. He looked down at the body he wore, "a vessel."

Dean's hands clenched for a moment and he tried to breathe normally. "You're possessing some poor bastard?"

"He's a devout man, he actually prayed for this," Castiel responded.

Big applause began and ended just as quickly it came. It was the last wrap up for the day and Sam felt exhausted. He walked over to his brother and the angel. Something in the scene had perked his interest.

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