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Jensen Ackles

Three weeks later

Bobby had managed to track down Mel, the one Misha hinted at earlier. Jensen tapped his finger against his knee. In his mind, a thousand options were considered. Then thrown away. He sipped a drink of cold water. Jensen opened up his eyes when Misha entered. He nodded. "Do you got everything?" Easily he moved up from the old wooden chair. It creaked slightly under his ass. Jensen patted away the dust from his blue jeans.

"Yes, you weren't joking when you said Bobby was paranoid," Misha shrugged. He helped him take out his green bag with the weapons, clothes, and so on. Without bat an eyelash. Bitch. Jensen was not going to say he was jealous of Misha's mojo. Nope. Count that one out.

Jared stood over the hood of the Impala moving his finger over the map. He frowned. Seconds later Jared moved his left hand to turn the page in one of Bobby's books. "Ruby has been following us the last weeks." Misha stopped in his movements to put the bag down. Jensen simply gestured for him to continue.

"The attack three weeks ago is planted when you consider the circumstances. Why would anyone willingly give us information? Apart from Team Free Will, that is," Jared finished. With practiced hands, Jared folded the map into his pocket. He walked over to them with a grin on his face. "But we can always pull a Winchester on them."

Misha frowned in confusion. "What's Team Free Will?" He looked genuinely as he didn't know.

Jensen took a deep breath. Time to explain to the newbie some basic stuff. If he had read the whole scripts like Jared and he had done he would already know. "Team Free Will consist of three members," Jensen began. "I, as Dean Winchester, Sam, also Jared in this case and you, the angel Castiel. You got it?" He walked over to Jared to pinpoint on the map the exact place.

"Oh," Misha said surprised. "I thought it was like a super force or something like that," Misha shrugged.

They all got into the car, Jensen in driving the car. With ease, he went quickly on the roads with Baby. Hours later Jensen parked the car. He had a clear idea of what they were trying to find. Azazel. That bastard. Jensen got out and grabbed hold of the bag. Misha used his mojo to find demons. His eyes neon blue. Definitely not odd at all. Nope.

Jared found a black spray from the bag Jensen left unused on the ground. Misha glanced over at them. "They are closing in," he informed them. Jensen nodded.

"Ruby, huh," Jensen crunched beside Jared. It left a bitter taste in his mouth to think Sam betrayed Dean like that in the story. The love between them was obvious. Genevieve's longing gazes did not escape him in the real world. Jensen rubbed his backhead. "Did it had to be her of all people? You know she is working with the enemy."

Jared stopped painting the demon sigil onto the dirty ground that dusted up his jeans. He turned slowly towards him. "What did you expect him to do, Dean?" Jensen flinched. "He wanted this," Jared gestured to him. "To protect people from harm without having to kill them. That he could save people. Isn't it exactly what Dean wanted?"

Jensen opened his mouth to give Jared an essay of an answer when Misha abrupted them. "Hurry up, they are about ten minutes from arriving."

Jensen hurried over to the bag and took two sprays while he began to make traps all over the place. Simultaneously Jared spread salt through all openings into the warehouse close by. Its dark windows spoke of nothing other than fear. The sun illuminated the gray woods close by making the grass look like dead meat.

Jensen held the knife that was previously Ruby's in his hand. He holds tight enough to make his knuckles white as sheets. Jared stood ready a few centimeters away from him. Misha behind both of them.

The demons popped up. Jensen counted seven. Mentally he heard Dean comment let the party start. He resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Ruby brown eyes landed on him. Jensen's jaw tightened. "Hello bitch," he said snapping.

"Dean," Ruby said. A smile spread on her features. The other demons moved a step in their direction, their guns and blades ready to kill. Ruby moved her hand. Immediately the demons stopped in their tracks. "We are on the same side, I have helped Sam—"

"No," Jensen raised his voice. "You didn't," he grits his teeth together. "All he is to you is a piece to manipulate." Jared gave him the what-the-fuck-you-doing-bitch-stare. He continued. "And I don't give a damn."

"Fine," Ruby's fist clenched. The gunshots filled the air. Jensen blinked as they exploded to dust by Misha's mojo.

"Into the house," Misha pointed, Misha's voice shattered through the blasting sounds. His hands glowed completely white by then. Jensen grabbed hold of Jared's shoulder and took him into the warehouse.

His heartbeat was loud in his ears. Jensen gasped for air. The adrenaline kicked through his veins. A demon ripped open the door. Thundered to the floor as the blow of a blade swiftly passed by his left ear. Jensen dodged and took hold of a demon's suit. He twisted the arm until he heard the crack. Jensen then punched the guy in the face. Blood dripped down from the vessel's face.

A white blaze outside momentarily blinded him. A kick to the stomach made him bend over. Another hit. He saw stars behind his eyelids. Jensen grabbed the man's tie and dragged him down to his level. "Fuck off," Jensen said in between breaths before stabbing the demon to death. The lights flickered behind the man's light green eyes before the dead slumped to the floor.

Jensen glanced over at Jared. He blew a bullet through a demon's face. The crimson color colored the wall on the other side. Another movement he barely managed to see prior to it being too late, Jensen landed on his ass. He crossed his arms in front of his face to block the punches.

A white blaze covered his senses once again. The repeating falls of bodies hitting the ground made Jensen realize that Misha was inside. A gasp to his right and Jensen felt he could breathe again. The weight was lifted away from his stomach. Misha helped him up. Jensen used some minutes to relax.

"One of the demons told me where we need to go," Jared said once he had his attention.

"Where?" Jensen and Misha asked at the same moment. They exchanged a knowing glare. Jensen breathless as Misha did not affect the fight whatsoever.

"New Orleans, it's a house that keeps the secrets to getting home. However, only I and Jensen should go. Misha, you have to get back to Bobby. When I call you get where we are as quickly as possible. I will give you the address." Jared told Misha the rest as Jensen leaned on the wall. The tiredness swept his bones like a glove.

Afterward, Jared took his arm over his shoulder and moved him into the shotgun seat. Jensen grunted in protest. "I need ten drinks."

Jared rolled his eyes. "Jensen just shut up for a second, will you?"

Jensen nodded as he rested his head on the car door. "Sure, wake me up when the world ends."

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