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Jared Padalecki

Anna turned to him, her face expressionless. She opened her mouth to speak but Jared's focus was partly on Jensen's gasping for air when her hold on him lessened. "You have to understand this is more than your regular case, Sam." Anna's voice becomes soft. Jensen glanced up at him, sweat dripped from his forehead. His eyes almost black by fear Jared saw in them. He clenched tighter around his gun.

"What if it isn't? I am just supposed to leave people's lives in danger for something you tell me?" Jared's tone raised for each word he said. Misha stood up from his chair, his eyes flashed neon blue. Jared's blood thrilled with the action Misha could be able to do.

"It is happening right at this moment and we got a common enemy, we have information on her," Anna said.

Jensen raised his eyebrow. He cleared his throat shortly afterward. "And that went so well, didn't it." It was not a question, Jensen tested the waters. Yep, Jensen could be smart when he had to be. Not that he was stupid, his knowledge laid elsewhere.

"I can inform you, she got her powers from someone else," Anna gripped Jensen's by his shirt, and their eyes met. Green against blue. Jared moved his gun after her movements while Misha tensed up by his side. Jensen squinted.

"Who?" Misha said barely audible. His fist clenched and unclenched. The room descended into quietness. The last person had left the scene. Untouched food laid shattered all over the floor, tables, and chairs. Jared considered how much time they had left. Tops ten minutes. The lights started to blink then explode onto the ground. Jared glanced at Misha.

The guy's jaw was tight. His body ready to attack at any given minute. Interesting Jared thought. Castiel's powers worked with emotions involved. Misha's fingers shook. His focus entirely on the angel in front of them.

Anna moved over to where Misha stood, a forced smile on her face. Jensen took hold of his gun and stood beside him with his gun pointed at Anna's chest.

"Castiel," Anna said.

From there whiteness covered his senses. He covered his eyes in surprise. The blaze nearly blinded him. Jared's breath heaved in his chest. His body was suddenly tired. As if he had run miles. Jensen gripped his shoulders to steady him. They exchanged a stare. "What the hell did you do?" Jensen said through grit teeth.

Anna returned to their side. "She got her powers from a prince of hell," she crossed her arms over her chest.

Misha startled from his daze, the light in his eyes dimmed down. When Misha's voice responded to hers's Jared wished he had understood Misha better earlier but that was too late for now.

"Does this demon," Jared started. He took a deep breath to collect his thoughts. Could it be the same one that murdered Sam's mother all those years ago?. "Have yellow eyes?" Jared unlocked the safety as he stepped a step forwards.

Anna nodded. "Yes, however, since the prince of hell keeps himself under high security even our angel army can't reach him without great losses." She stared into Jared's eyes. A flash of recognition passed in them. Jared stood. She had to believe he was truly Sam Winchester or else she would not tell this high-class information to them at all.

"A prince of hell," Jared said. Out of the corner of his eyes, Jensen flinched by the name for fair reasons. Jared already could conclude Jensen would say it when he was ready to do so. Misha frowned in confusion for a split second before he made his face unreadable.

"Yes," Anna answered. "This girl has been killing angels, monsters left and right. In some cases, recruiting them. Some angels found them entering a portal to what we believe is the other world." She touched all three of their shoulders before they were zapped somewhere else.

The grogginess hit Jared strongly and he fought to keep the gag away while Jared covered his mouth with his palm. Jared blinked the space into view. They were right outside Bobby's house, his heart thumped in fear inside his chest. Waited to burst into a million pieces. Misha took it better than both him and Jensen combined.

Anna let her arms fall to her side. "The battle will need everyone we can get, even the vessels of the archangels."

Jared swallowed, sweat dripped down from his forehead to his neck. "Can we count on you?" Jared said, mentally he could see Sam roll his eyes at his question. Almost busted. Anna's expression did not change. Jensen squeezed his shoulder for a second before turning to her.

"If he dies, the deal between us is over," Jensen said in a low gruff threatening voice. His green eyes narrowed at her. Then he pointed at Misha. "Anything happens to him and I will put a bullet through your skull. Angel or not."

Jared nodded as he helped Misha to stand steadier. Then to emphasize what Jensen said, he shot a bullet from his gun into the ground a few feet from her. Anna's mouth opened up in surprise. Misha grinned from ear to ear. "Go tell your angel friends," Jared commented, Anna left the spots two seconds later.

Bobby slammed open the door with his gun aimed at them. His clothes consisted of jeans, a gray flannel shirt, and black military boots. Bobby stopped short when he saw them, first then he realized they did not have the car. Crap. Jensen would be angry when he discovered that. Luckily Jared had taken tabs where they were.

"Sam? Dean?" Bobby walked over to them, his patted over him to be sure Jared was actually there. His hands rough towards Jared's clothes. He cleared his throat. Bobby then moved Dean—Jensen to do the same thing and then Misha as well. Jensen rolled his eyes and Misha shrugged.

"Dean," Jared said. His next words after a heartbeat. "The car."

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