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Misha Collins

They sat and ate lasagne. A few weeks later Jensen finally managed to track down Crowley. In front of him, Jared and Jensen talked to each other. They were considering which trap to use from the past experiences they got with the guy. "He will probably want something from Sam and Dean," Jared started.

Jensen rolled his eyes, "that's kinda obvious, don't you think?" He pressed his lips into a thin line while he frowned.

Misha came to recognize it as a way of showing concern. Jensen walked in circles in the small cabin. He folded his hands together. "Guys, what did the brothers do to get connections to him anyway?" Misha raised his eyebrow. The room became quiet after his question was asked.

"Stuff," Jared said shortly. He moved so he stood in his vision of sight. "They need him for bigger enemies they can't take on without his help to get them the things for spells or attacks. Is complicated," Jared sighed.

Jensen took up a map and pointed on a crossroad some kilometers away from their hiding place. He struggled to keep calm, Misha had learned to notice whenever that happened. "The point is still — how do we trick him long enough to get the information?" Jensen asked, his eyes scanned the map. "If he begins to ask about his grace, we are fucked. Also, he must know already I am not Dean. Which creates a whole another issue entirely."

He raised from his spot and threw the keys over to Jensen. Jensen grabbed them straight away, he raised his eyebrow at him. "We can lie to him, is not that he would care. Demons never tell the truth anyway. They bend it to fit their own view," Misha said. Jared nodded in agreement.

They headed to the car but not before they had all the demons' weapons ready to go. Jensen steered, as usual, the car, his jaw set tight. Jared muttered different exorcisms to himself. Misha strained to hear them memorize it more in case the king of crossroads decided to take a shot at him. He had learned hand to hand combat from his friends.

Misha felt safer knowing that. Misha drew the summon sign they would use to trap Crowley in when they arrived. The crossroads were in four different directions, the grass high. A few cars bypassed them and gave them curious glances. Jared made sure the trap wouldn't be seen by Crowley once he entered it; hid under a blanket in a ceiling of a building.

Then Jared did the summoning, the Latin rolled up his tongue with American accent they all have. Suddenly Crowly in all his glory stood there. He wore a black suit with matching shoes. Crowley's face was slightly beard. His gray eyes met his own. A cold chill went down his back.

"What do we have here? A fake Winchester, a..." Crowley stopped in his sentence and frowned at him. "Random citizen?" He finished confused. "Moose, you better got a good explanation for this."

Jared walked forward, his Sam body language already on. Jensen straightened his back, always close enough in case Jared would get hurt by his next words. Misha's hand landed on the gun Jensen had gotten him. "His name is Castiel, he isn't here to hurt you. And my brother is not 'fake', Crowley," Jared said, his voice got lower by his last words.

Misha cleared his throat and the three others turned in his direction. "I am a hunter," he said. He winked at Crowley just for fun. Crowley frowned. "They found me and here we are," Misha continued. Jensen and Jared had figured a backstory for him. He would just have to live with having a fake name. He was their joker card.

"Really?" Crowley asked. "Because according to my demons you aren't like them. Dean over there? That's not him. I know," Crowley laughed by their expressions.

Misha's heartbeat rapidly against his ribcage. As if being drowned underwater. Misha bit his underlip and glance over at Jensen. But Jensen was surprisingly in character even after what Crowley had said. "Cut the bullcrap," Jensen snapped, his green eyes narrowed.

"Well, Jensen, I am sure your crap is fun," Crowley replied sarcastically.

Jensen and Jared froze on their spots. "What did you just call him?" Misha said to gain Jensen and Jared more time to get the information. The progress needed a few seconds and he was willing to give them that.

Crowley turned towards him, close up to his face. Misha stared angrily back at the king of crossroads. Not wanted to show any signs of fear even if he wanted honest to God...pee himself. They stood like that for a few minutes before Crowley turned away. "Jensen," Crowley repeated as if he was stupid.

Misha rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I know that."

"So, you are saying my brother is some sort of shapeshifter?" Jared said in an accusing voice before he took a deep breath. "Anyway, I summoned you here for a reason. I am sure you are already aware of the problem."

"Maybe, maybe not," Crowley shrugged after he answered Jared's question. "Finally, we get to the actual fun part," Crowley rolled his eyes.

"Yeah," Jensen said. "We are looking for a little girl named Mel Crowne, Sam found it through public records," Jensen continued. It was close to impossible to know which part was a lie and which wasn't. Except Misha knew. But he supposed Crowley didn't. "She is about this high," Jensen demonstrated with his hands. "She wears a cloak that hides her face, black shoes, and slim hands."

Misha nodded, he had told Jensen did before when Jared wasn't nearby.

"Mel wants something and she is powerful," Jensen said. He crossed his arms over his chest. "Probably involving someone you know?" Jensen asked.

"Either way," Misha cleared his throat. "It's bad news."

Crowley turned to him again, this time he stayed in his spot.

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