Chapter 20

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I push myself backwards.

"What are you doing?" I sputter. "You completely just-" I stop blabbering when I notice he looks like he doesn't care. Draco is amused.

"I- it's time for me to go." I add. Why would he even do that? If anything else happens my brain will explode, I'm sure of it.

"You don't have to run from me." he calls, rather tauntingly.

"I'm afraid I have to." I wasn't about to be his play thing. My shoes filled the hall with awkward beats. I bite my lip, hard. I am hoping that maybe if I bite them hard enough the soft memory of his lips on mine would leave me.

It isn't working.


Everything is so jumbled. I need... Something. I absentmindedly reach around in the dark dorm room for my bottom drawer. When my fingers hit the cool glass I pull the long forgotten crystal ball back up.

I should just return it back to the professor now. It's done absolutely nothing for me. This 'fortune telling' is complete rubbish. If there is such a thing- how am I where I am now? I check to make sure no one is in the dorm and I throw the glass ball. I feel a certain satisfaction as it soars across the room and hits the stone wall. With every peace shattering and hitting the floor I fall closer to the ground.

First, I learn about my family. Now, Finn leaves me. I grab the pieces harder then I intended and I gasp when my palm turns red with blood.

"Reparo." I silently say as I wave my wand slowly. The glass pieces float and grab onto each other once again. I can't just leave it broken, I have to return it. I wish mending charms worked on life and relationships. As if it wasn't complicated enough then that Draco had to kiss me. I had been so shocked I didn't even react as his lips moved against mine.

Even as short as it was the kiss was so different from Finn. My lips still feel alive. My body is obviously not as smart as I thought. I guess I'm easily fooled.

"Reparo." I repeat, this time hoping it fixed me.



My new distraction just ran down the halls. I let her, it's not everyday I kiss someone like her. Someone like her, I wonder what that even meant.

But, I know I will have her. I can't wait to feel her lips react happily to mine so I can toss her away. I'll gain my old self back. Most importantly, I will temporarily forget Voldemort's plan. I'll forget the nightmares of my family's slaughter. I can be same again. Adria is the key.

I dust off my suit and fix it out of habit. The school uniforms are so juvenile and ridiculous to me now. We should get special treatment as older classmates. The world is going to hell so why not?

I make my way to the familiar entrance to the room of requirement. I watch the black door engrave itself from the wall. As I enter I think long and hard for a quill and parchment. It materializes on a bed side table to my right. I dip the quill in ink and begin to write.


I'm sorry for scaring you. Maybe you deserve someone who isn't an ass.

I scratch out the last part and start again. I don't think she would appreciate that.


I'm sorry for what happened. Meet me at the bridge at eleven. I'll make it up to you, I promise.


I am so tempted to laugh at my own writing. When did I start to sound so soft? Well, if it worked. When I roll the parchment back I feel a pain in the back of my head.

I roll my eyes at my own mind. I'm going insane by stress. Of course I knew I wasn't.



"Miss?" A first year pokes at my side.

"Yes?" I didn't recognize the girl in shiny red pigtails. She protrudes a rolled piece of parchment.

"Are you serious?" I whisper as I read the parchment. Seeing that Finn wanted nothing to do with me I don't see why not. I pull a red scarf from my bedside table and a white hat.

My eyes have to adjust to the white powdered snow on he grounds. The bridge was coated with white and from the beams were tiny icicles. He probably won't even show up.

"Frenzen!" Before I even hit the bridge I have to halt. That voice sends shivers down my spine.

"What do you want Pansy?" I sigh.

"This." She reveals two of her cronies gripping onto Neville Longbottom.

"Let him go." I step forward. Neville was obviously under some sort of stupor.

"You caused quite a scene at the party. I wanted to know why." Pansy smiles at poor Neville Longbottom. Her look said it all.

"No. Please." I beg.

"Too late. All of Slytherin knows. It won't be long until the whole school knows. I would say two minutes?" Pansy is enjoying this. She is wearing the face of a true Slytherin.

"What is wrong with you?" I spit, "does this honestly make you feel better?"

"They should add you to the schools history book for the biggest blood traitor." Pansy smirks.

"I said stop!" I scream. The wind whips threateningly.

"What the hell?" I hear a voice shout.

"Draco!" Pansy lights up, "have you heard? Adria is-"

"I know." Draco was looming over Pansy and he didn't look too happy.

"What is wrong with you?" Pansy says, resting both hands on her hips.

"That's disgusting."

Pansy's mouth drops. "Draco, you love this. Admit it. You're just doing this to shag her aren't you?"

I say nothing.

What happens next surprises me the most. He grabs my gloved hand and whispers, "let's go."

A/N: ok super short chapter I'm sorry! But IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT- my friends have started an original book called To Heaven and Hell. Anyways, it is really amazing and I would appreciate if you would give them a follow! Their account is @strictly_ink and they will start posting when they receive their covers! I would appreciate it if you fan them and read their story when it comes out (possibly by the end of this week)

Thank you!

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