Chapter 34

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I'll admit, I left the hospital wing almost as soon as Draco did. I guess now is the best time to begin breaking rules, isn't it?

My feet hit the ground like rapid fire. I ignored the stinging in my heel, which had been asleep but was rudely awakened. I'm not sure where I'm going, but I'm going.

I nearly slip and fall as I hear voices. I dash behind a corner and rub my ankles. My breath catches in my throat as I hear my name.


It is spoken like a curse. I put my hand over my mouth in hopes that I won't be noticed.

"She has to be in here somewhere." The voice continues. "Are you sure you checked the dormitory closely, Seamus?"

Seamus? A fellow Gryffindor is searching for me like I'm a wanted criminal. I nearly scoff. God, can Hogwarts just take a break every once in awhile? Guess not.

With a sudden wave of courage I step from behind my hiding spot.

"Where's Waldo?"

God, that was such a stupid thing to say. I nearly smack myself.

"Anyways." I cough, eyeing the mass of students before me, "to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Stupify!" The student up front with frizzy curls lets a spell fly.

I'm hit square in the chest and tumble backwards. God, that hurt.

"Hey!" I cry out.

"I am sorry, Adria." Admits the seventh year student standing in the front, "except... I'm not. Hogwarts is our home. And we-" he spreads his long arms to gesture to the students around him. "Aren't backing down for anyone." Each student slowly places their right hand over a studded pendent, a snake.

And all of a sudden, I am filled with rage. "You think this isn't my home too? I am the same person I've always been- good old suck up Adria Frenzen." I actually let out a sharp laugh, it sounds harsh against the walls.

"Fear has you all fooled. Can't you see I'm no threat? You-" I point to one of the people among the group, a third year, "I'm the one that tutored you in herbology, yes? You-" I point to another, "I've shared a dormitory with you since age eleven! If I wanted to kill any of you– don't you think I would have by now?"

"Quit the act!" The seventh year boy steps forward and spit flies from his mouth. "You are trying to destroy us! Who do you think let the death eaters in? If we don't do something now, we will be gone." He snaps. "Just like that."

Draco, I have to find Draco.

I pull out my wand. I understand their fear, I do. I would want to protect my home too. But, haven't I proven time after time who I am? Do I have to be subject to being pushed around time after time? Plus, I have little time on my hands.

"Expelliarmus!" I shout. The boys wand is sent reeling until it eventually cracks against the stone wall.

All hell broke lose. This way and that hexes, jinxes and even curses began to fly. I stuck to defensive spells, just hoping to get them off my track. With each blast zooming towards me my anger started to peak like a rapid fever. With finality I flick my wand, causing the room the be enveloped in smoke.

However, I feel a hand grip my forearm. I grunt and try and free it. I spy a familiar ponytail hidden behind a Gryffindor headband.

"Katie Bell?"

"You hexed me! I was in the hospital wing forever because of you!" Tears have long stained her cheeks. Her eyes are fervent and wild.

"Katie, that's wasn't me. You have to believe me." I plead with the madwoman clinging to my arm.

And suddenly, she let's go. "I can believe you but lord knows nobody else will until you're dead."

She is gone in the smoke and I'm left with a deep feeling of doom in my stomach. I stand there for a second, nearly petrified.  I must be seeing things because I swear I can see Finn in the smoke, wearing a serpent too.  I rub my eyes, the smoke must be getting to me.

But still, I continue my search. I have to help him, I have to fight.

By this time I've made it up numerous floors. My abdomen is screaming in agony. Draco, where could you be?

A see a flash of a boy running towards the spiraling stairs leading to the watch tower. I take off at full sprint with my feet furiously hitting the old splintering wood.

"Where you think you're going, pretty?" A snarling man steps before me from out of the shadows. I notice him immediately, Fenrir Greyback. Normally his hair covered face and pulled back lips with inhuman fangs would terrify me, but not now. An earring on his left ear makes a clicking noise as he leans forward. With his face merely inches from mine I inhale his retched breath.

"Get away from me." I hiss.

"What a wonderful prize I have here, eh? I think I outta bring you back to Malfoy Mansion myself." Greyback doesn't move any farther from me.

Malfoy Mansion.

I do not hesitate to jab him with my elbow and make a mad dash to the staircase. As I start climbing a clawed hand grabs at my ankles. I kick ferociously but his talons dig into my skin and leave angry scarlet lines. I grunt and bring my foot down on his nose. Greyback lets out a yell as I continue to clamor forwards. Grabbing the back of my shirt I am thrown backwards off the staircase. When my back hits the floor I let out a sharp cry.

Greyback stands over me with a toothy smile. Slowly bending down he places his lips to my ear and inhales sharply. I find myself holding my breath. "Too bad you're off limits." He grabs a handful of my hair. "You would be a lovely treat."
I keep myself from whimpering as he places his mouth near my cheek, I can almost hear him foaming.

"Greyback." A sharp woman's voice calls from the top of the stairs. As he stands to turn I run. I go beneath the upper level and into the shadows. I lean against a banister but my eyes never leave Greyback. Now he is a distant figure, but I am still not relieved. There has to be another way up there.

A hand clamps down on my mouth and I scream against it, the sound comes out muffled.

"Shh! It's me." Harry Potter whispers hoarsely into my ear. I spin to face him and it looks like he's been in a hell of a fight too. "Are you alright?"

"Fine." And still pissed about the whole almost killing Draco thing, but now isn't the time.

He points towards the rafters with a single finger.

"Dra-" Harry clamps his hand over my mouth again.

Draco is holding his wand with trembling fingers and Dumbledore stands at his mercy.

I pry Harry's fingers off of my mouth. "What do we do?" I'm praying for a plan, anything.

"There's nothing we can do."

AUTHORS NOTE: my second story, Hunted, has been published on the account strictly_ink . There are about eleven or so chapters for you to dive into! Also, a huge plot twist is coming I've been preparing for decades- prepare yourself.

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