Chapter 17

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I take a few moments against the cool stone wall. I read about soothing breathing but I can't seem to recall any detail of it now. I make do with long breaths but all of them came out jagged. I was worse before, and luckily my breathing only shook a little. I unceremoniously dab the bottom of my eyes with my school robe. I can't let anyone else see me cry. I'm sure the courtyard I had ran through is abuzz already. Although I wasn't paying much attention before, I know how fast rumors flew. I straighten myself against the wall and fix my posture. Before, standing straight was a habit, now I feel ridiculous.

I am all too aware of my awkward strides so I pause. I just had to act, I was pretty good in muggle schools. Drama classes were my favorite. I cleared my throat and and made my way quickly towards the Gryffindor towers. Fuzzy socks and warm clothes sounded very appealing at the moment.

"Would you listen?" I hear a voice say. "I'm telling you, it's next week!"

The reply comes afterwards. "Can we not talk about this anymore? Professor Binns isn't that important when we have death eaters at our school!" I throw myself against a wall and onto a bench.

Look casual. My brain chants.

"We don't know that, Harry!" The feminine voice from earlier comes back.

"Yes we do!" Another male voice that was warmer joins the conversation. "First, he's a-"

The voices stop when they approach my bench. Ron, who had spoken last, mutters something under his breath.

"Oh," Hermione says while the boys shuffle awkwardly. "How are you?"

There was one thing my acting can't hide and that's my pink and worn eyes from crying.

I am tempted to blame it on failing on a test, but I know Hermione won't buy that one at all.

"Got mixed up on the stairs." I sigh. A chill creeped down my spine as I realize how it is getting easier for me to lie. "But, I'm fine."

Harry clears his throat. "It happens." He looks like he desperately wanted to finish his conversation from before so he starts moving again. Ron trails right behind him but Hermione follows last. Her brown eyes are downcast, as if she is thinking of something.

"Well," I rest my hand on the bench casually, "I'll see you later?"

Hermione agrees. "Of course."

When they leave I am tempted to cry all over again. But I dust myself off and think of good thoughts- like fuzzy socks and warm clothes.



The new day awoke pretty ordinarily. I haven't seen Adria all day so I decide to head towards the Great Hall with just Callum in tow. Actually, Callum decided that we had to leave without her because he is hungry.

I don't disagree because I am pretty starving myself. I shrug my hands out of my pockets as I sit down. The Great Hall is already becoming louder. Callum and I don't hesitate to grab as much food as possible.

Ginny, who I remember from the Gryffindor Quidditch team, sits near us. "Have you seen Neville Longbottom anywhere?" She reaches over to grab a plate of something that smelled delicious.

"Nope." I shake my head and go back to eating.

"Funny," Ginny says to no one in particular, "haven't seen him in a while."

"Maybe he's in the infirmary?" I offer. "Could've swallowed one of those puking pasties."

Ginny immediately sends a look to Callum who shrugs. "It wasn't me this time!"

Ginny drops the subject. I am kind of happy to have silence for once. Slughorn's party is in a few days. I am only excited because Adria is going, to be completely honest. I don't really care for lavish things like parties. I know the party is going to be large because of all the rumors and excited chatter floating around.

I have this deep seated feeling that something is going to change. It's only a matter of time.

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