Chapter 4

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"Tryouts won't be easy." Says the new Quidditch captain. I stare at him, the famous Harry Potter. Truth be told I've never had more than a couple words with him off the pitch. He's only talked to me in class to ask for a spare quill. But I would still say there's a special bond between teammates. I sort of zone out when Harry began his spiel. Look at me, my team captain is the Boy Who Lived. I remember when Callum played alongside me. He blamed leaving the team on his hurt wrist but we all knew it was his short fuse. I miss having someone I knew personally with me. My thoughts were cut of by Harry.

"Mind being on time please?" He raises a dark eyebrow.

"Sorry." Finn ducks his head down. Finn? I grab his arm and pull him over.

"What are you doing? You said you'd never let your tall body of the ground." I whispered.

Finn shrugged nonchalantly. I smiled. I like having Finn here, it was comforting.

Harry claps his hands. "Ok first things first, chasers come with me." Finn stayed behind but ushered me on with a wave. I hiked up my broom. I had saved enough over the summer working to get a new one.

"Here." Harry pointed to the sky. "Line up in formation." We all lift off the ground and line up in front of the goal posts.

When it was my turn I showed off a little. I weave under the defense and thrust up so I lie just behind them with nothing in between me and the goal. A grunt escapes my lips as I throw the quaffle. It soars happily through the wide circle. I was feeling very confident and due to my small stature I was fast and agile.

When tryouts drew to a close I take a sip of some water, feeling refreshed.

"Nice going Frenzen." Finn says. His forehead is lined with a small layer of sweat.

"How'd you do?" I pass him the water. He gulps it down.

"The best I can." He admits. "You looked amazing. When I tried to watch I almost got hit by a bludger."

I let out a small laugh. "You were watching me?

Finn reveals his set of perfect teeth. "Of course, you're brilliant." He pushes back a stray piece of hair from my ponytail. I blush, something I really needed to get control of.

We step away from each other when we hear a grunt. "Sorry." A petite redhead says awkwardly. "I just needed my water."

Finn clears his throat.

"So, uh, I'm Ginny." Ginny says to clear the tension. "You guys..."

"No!" I wave my hands. To my humiliation my cheeks flare a bright pink. Ginny makes a face, like a wink.

"Yeah ok." Ginny says. "Listen, good luck to you guys. Harry said there should be a list up in the common room some time tomorrow." She walks away from us.

"She seems nice." Finn remarks. But my mind was elsewhere. Did Finn have feelings for me? My mind whirls. I am always one to over think things. Finn was the kind of person you'd want forever. Someone who would hold you at night and make you food when you're not feeling well. My mind flutters to his pink lips and I started to bite my own.

"What are you thinking about?" Finn asks as we head down into the Gryffindor locker rooms.


"You're doing that thing." He trails off and touches his own lips.

"Oh. Biting my lips you mean?" Again my cheeks never refuse to flush pink.

Before I head over to the girls room he grabs my arm. "Adria?" He says softly. I turn back to him. I notice the room is empty.


He puts his head up. I can almost see the gears turning in his head. "The only reason I tried out was to be with you more often."

"You what?" I was taken aback. Finn is a great friend, but for me? "But why? I mean we are in the same year and-" I started to babble heavily. My talk was cut off by Finn's lips meeting mine. I lean forward and my whole body spread with warmth. Finn put his hand on my cheek and traced my jaw.

When we parted I looked up at him through my eyelashes. We both didn't say a word.

"I've got to change." I say quietly.

"Don't hurt yourself." Finn says with a hint of a smile.

"Yeah." I say to no one in particular. I couldn't lie, I feel great.

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