Chapter 10

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I agreed to do as Callum asked. Actually, I was pretty much sacrificed into being the one to do it. I realized how tough it was for Callum to uphold his family. He is struggling. If I was under the same position I would too. It is difficult to start my task, mostly because I don't know where to start at all. I decide to stalk outside the Ravenclaw common room entrance. It is a sad attempt to catch Alison, but I have little choice. Luckily I brought some school work to keep me busy. Numerous people wander through the door, but none are Alison.

But when I finish everything I brought I start to get antsy. I gulp in a bit of air before standing. I study the golden eagle knocker on the door. Good thing it wasn't a portrait guarding the tower or I would never get in.

The knocker seems to spark to life and gets right down to business.

"You put me in dry but then I get wet.

The longer I stay in, the stronger I will get.

What am I?"

At first I think of the towel riddle, but that's something like 'when you get dry I dampen'. What do you put in something that's dry? Dry ice? But that's weakened as time passes. I refuse to give up, and I want to finish before someone else comes. It would be embarrassing to have a Ravenclaw get it right on the first try and question why I'm even here. My mind is certain it has to be a sort of food.

I got it.

A tea bag. You set it in your drink dry and it gets wet. The longer it's in the more the flavor.

"A tea bag." I say loudly. The door doesn't reply and swings open. The Ravenclaw common room was mostly empty. A girl with curly blonde hair sat in the corner reading, another lounging around. None of these people are Alison. I come over the girl and tap her shoulder. It takes her a moment to look up from what she was reading.

"Oh, hello." She looks at me quizzically.

"Hello. Have you seen Alison? I'm... A friend." I explain.

The girl doesn't miss a beat. "I'm afraid so." She says, her voice light and airy. "She can be quite hurtful." But she shrugs like it doesn't matter at all.

"Do you happen to know where she went?" I push.

"Oh, why she said something about the grounds near the lake."

"Thank you very much." I nod at her. I like her attitude. The way she grasps onto her own world, where she could be whoever she wants.

"I'm Luna, by the way." She sticks out her pale hand and smiles.

"Adria." Luna seems to be overjoyed.

"We'll be friends. I can just tell." She says absentmindedly. I choose not to question her.

The sunlight is harsh to my eyes from being used to darkness of the castle. I quickly make my way down to the Black Lake. I try not to let my feet stumble as I go downhill. The lake looks extra dark today, almost ominously. Against the boat house the water laps, devouring the wood. Unfortunately I am not seeing Alison. This is a pathetic attempt to even find her anyway. I am lucky just to find Luna to try and help me. I don't even know what Alison really looks like until earlier today. I remember something Callum said about Alison. Something about a bracelet. I think he said she always wears one.

I remember now, a noisy jumble of charms. That's it. All I have to do is listen. So I am. I lean back against the boat house for a good few minutes. But my mind nags at me- this is a bad idea. Well, I do have some time to myself. I grab the side of the entrance and swing myself inside. I start humming some song that refuses to let me forget it.

That's when I hear it. The distant jingle of small metal charms clanging together in harsh chorus. I go deeper into the boat house, praying the wood doesn't creak. I quiet my breathing and look just over a crack in the wall separating us.

There she is.

Alison's blue eyes are darting around the room so I keep my head down just enough so I can still see them. Pansy is with her. Of course, she always has to be in the way. She is such a pain.

There is another girl too. Her high cheekbones somehow make her look mischievous.

"If you really want to prove yourself you've got to do something about it. We don't just let anyone hear these sort of things." Pansy scoffs.

"I've got what you asked. It took awhile and I'm sorry, it was a stupid mistake. If only Madam Pince hadn't-" Alison starts.

The other girl stops her immediately. "Where is it?"

"Now c'mon." Pansy smiles slowly. She reminded me of a predatory snake. Someone who relished in the chase. "Treat her nicely. Here's the deal Alison, we need that information. Without it you're a bit useless. You see?"

"I'm not useless! Watch me!" Alison swings her arm for her wand but the other girl grabs her wrist, her nails digging into Alison's pale skin. The girls pale brown hair glinted from the sun harshly.

Pansy nodded. "Hm, maybe you will fit in. We need those spells. We are growing here. You know the Dark Lord is back in power don't you? We have to be ready for him."

Alison nods. I can now only see the back of her head.

"But we would also appreciate some news on Potter. You're a Ravenclaw so you are not seen as a threat. Isn't your brother in Gryffindor?" Pansy continued.

Alison doesn't say anything. She didn't want to bring him up. I think.

"Excellent!" Pansy claps her hands. "Use him. Anyways..." She holds out her hand and clears her throat. The extra girl lets go of Alison's wrist. Alison digs out a crumpled paper and sets in in Pansy's open hand. "Good choice."

There is a commotion from outside the room. The girls eyes light up.

"Draco!" Pansy calls sickeningly. Indeed the boy enters. He is flanked by two other Slytherin boys. I recognize one as Blaise. Callum got in a fight with his just last year.

Draco nods. "Pansy, Tracey..." He trails off.

"Alison." Pansy beams as if she's a young girl showing off her show and tell. "She gave us this." Pansy hands Draco the paper.

As if it was possible for his liveliness to be drained any further. His eyes look shrunken with the purple beneath his eyes. Pansy doesn't seem to notice. Or maybe she doesn't even care. He doesn't say anything. His eyes scan the room so I duck farther down. I can't see anything now. My heart is racing in my chest and I don't realize I was holding my breath. All I can hear was my heartbeat and the water. Nothing is happening so I get up slowly.

"Isn't this exciting?" The girl says. Tracey. "Just think how fast we're going. We could get high in ranks! Maybe even please the Dark Lord, just think of what could happen!"

"Oh shut it." Pansy snaps. There was an edge to her voice to show she was excited too. "We can't let anyone hear!" I swear my heart almost leaps outwards. "Draco? Let's leave." I crouch down again. Draco is intent on scanning everything. Something in my heart jerks for him.

"Go on." He says almost too quietly. "I will be there in a moment."

A/N: Sorry if the spacing got weird - I switched devices! Anyways I want to thank you all again for being so amazing! And look at the banner @walklikeahippogriff made me!

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