Chapter 9

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Callum's POV

I was roaming the halls looking for trouble. The weekend started off as a total bore and I didn't feel like watching Finn hit on Adria all the time. I was about to head back into the common room to look for fun until I spotted my sister skulking in the corner. When she spotted me her eyes grew larger. Usually she coldly passed me by.

"Callum! I need you to help me." The way Alison said it I figured I didn't have a choice. Yes, we certainly had bad blood between us, but she is my sister. "Madam Pince took my notebook away. I need it back."

"Ali it's just a notebook." I did not want to get too deeply involved. Lately being with my sister just meant pain.

"Call," Her eyes soften. "I desperately need it. Listen, Madam Pince really likes you if you could just get it-"

"So you want me to steal?" I cross my arms.

"Not necessarily. That's only last resort I promise." Somehow that didn't make me feel any better.

Alison's eyes flicker, a sure sign she was lying. "It's for school."

I chose to deny the nagging feeling in the back of my head. "Whatever." I say plainly. "Where can I find it?"

"Left of her desk. Tha-"

But I had turned my back. People like her separated my family. It hurt sometimes that you have to love someone after that. My whole family was a raging battle between light and dark, and somehow I always ended up in the middle. When my mum found out about my father being a supporter of Voldemort all hell had erupted. I wasn't surprised we hadn't known, it's not like he was around a lot. We didn't even know what house he was in at Hogwarts. When Ali and I were in our third year our parents separated and Alison followed father. She didn't care how mum felt at all. In fact, after a large brawl, she declared what father had done is right. I shouted at her, finally losing it. I questioned how she wasn't in Slytherin anxiously awaiting you-know-whos return. I remember how she spat her words with venom. "You have a choice when the hat picks you. I didn't want mum and father to think I was some evil child. Now, I realize father supports me. If I could be removed from the pricks in Ravenclaw I would!"

My head throbs thinking about it.

The library was quiet, not surprisingly. Out of the corner of my eye I see someone trying to wave me over. I ignore them and continue nearer to Madam Pince's desk. Madam Pince stood over her desk with her beady eyes narrowed. Her skin is the color of parchment under the chandeliers fiery glow. I sigh and slide my wand to my side. With a quick swish several books come crashing down on the opposite side of the library. Like a bird of prey I watch Madam Pince swoop down behind the shelf. I quickly bolt forward and look over the desk. There, surely, on the left was a purple bound notebook with Alison's name scrawled on the front. I grab it without hesitation.

While I am leaving the library a page falls out and floats to the ground. On it is scribbled writings full of dark magic. My hand shakes as realization came.


When I find Alison again my head is spinning. "Are you kidding me? Dammit Alison!" I shove the paper in her face.

"It's not mine!" She cries out.

"Don't lie." My pulse quickens when she didn't answer. "What the hell are you doing?"

Alison bowed her head and my heart squeezes.

"The only reason I'm upset is because you can't think all of this is right. Al, do you realize what father really supported? Murder. I'm only worried for your safety." But Alison isn't really listening. She grabs the book when I was weak. I can tell she hasn't really changed at all.

"You don't know who I have on my side! You don't even understand!" With that she ran and I just watch her fade away.


When I barge into the girl's dormitory I repeate Alison's words to my closest friends. "I need your help."

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