Chapter 3

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-A NOTE: thank you for the cover @caro_nightowl ! It is so wonderful!! -


When the blackness surrenders I gasp and shoot forward. My heart twists for a split second until I realized where I am. I suck in a large breath.

I am in the infirmary.

A hand grabs at mine. Finn smiles slowly.

"Finn, what happened?" I ask, grabbing my head that pulsed.

"Not sure. I was told you started having nightmare fits." He noticed my eyes widen. "Don't worry, you've only been here a night. But honestly I think it was caused by that awful incense!" Finn laughs.

I crack a grin. "You know I can't remember having any dreams or nightmares."

Finn frowns. "Maybe that's the best thing, I certainly wouldn't want to be thinking about that all day."


"Listen, I have to go but I'll see you soon." Finn swoops down and placed a kiss on my forehead. He lingered questioningly.

I bite my lip, like I always do when I am concentrating. I give Finn's hand a tug. His wavy hair bounces as he gets up and waves goodbye. My whole body spreads with warmth. Even though he had turned around I wave back.


Today I decided to skip my least favorite class of all. Potions. I trotted down to the quidditch pitch and shielded my eyes from the bright sun.

No doubt tryouts would be starting soon. I've always been the in the stands shouting at the calls kind of guy. The first time I tried out I whacked Adria right in the face. But I noticed how Adria plays. She plays with an intense passion, it's quite scary. She's a great chaser for the Gryffindor team. Callum was really decent too but quit because of too many fouls. I grab a dumb loaner broom. It was very uncomfortable shaped and I got on awkwardly. I really wanted to impress Adria. I realized that I wasn't defensive for her as a friend anymore, and that was obvious. I slowly started to rise but heard a sharp voice stop me.

"Hey! You should be in classes!" I descend, glad the voice isn't from a teacher. It was Callum's sister Alison. He never cares to talk about her, I wonder why. She looks a lot like Callum but her features were more pointed and her eyes more angled.

"Are you going to get me in trouble?" I say, "because you're out too."

She shrugs. "What're you doing?" I change the subject.

"Aren't you a Ravenclaw?"

She makes a face and points to the blue badge on her clothes, "Obviously."

"Oh." I felt stupid, "Seems kind of weird for a Ravenclaw to be skipping."

"I forgot my book in the common room and the stupid door made a super hard riddle for me. And trust me, Ravenclaws don't know everything. Anyways I got frustrated and took a walk." Alison says. "You?"


She raises an eyebrow.

"Whatever." I'm starting to see how she's related to Callum. My mind thinks back to Adria and her on a broom and making perfect passes, I had to get on the team.

"Well I'm going to practice... bye." I say awkwardly, running a hand through my wavy curls.

Alison rolls her eyes, "Just don't get caught."

I'm glad she's finally gone because I didn't want anyone to witness my pathetic attempt of flying.


I touch my ring around my neck as I walk up the stairs. It is a little twitch I have, I always make sure it is there. It was my mum's engagement ring. I remember my older cousin saying some tale about how "your family went off on a great vacation". I really miss my parents, even though I didn't actually know them, when they died I feel like part of me did too, even if I didn't actually know them. It was a good thing my cousin was a muggle and didn't care about me so I wouldn't get attached. I have this constant fear of losing people and I have a certain feeling in the pit of my stomach that's what my nightmares were about. My feet are unsteady as I went up higher on the stairs.

I can't believe I missed more than half of my first day. Just my luck.

I nod to the fat lady portrait.

"Exploding Snaps" She lets out a wide grin and swings open eagerly. I'm greeted by a fairly quiet common room. It's funny that there's a ton of Gryffindor kids I would get along with but I stick with Callum and Finn. I guess I cling to familiarity. The fire crackles softly and calls out to me with its promise of warmth. I sit down and sink into a plush armchair.

My head was feeling thick again and my eyelids felt heavy. My mind started to swirl with pictures of piercing eyes and sounds of echoing screams.

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