Chapter 33

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A/N: I realize this is not the timeline of the original book. It is just how the pieces fell in this story!


"I'm fine." Draco moves his hands behind his back as an attempt to sit forward in his cot.

"You're in the hospital wing." I point out.

"I don't need to be, I'm fine." Draco knits his eyebrows together in frustration.

I place my hand over his and Draco's and his expression softens as he lets out a long sigh.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

"No need to be." Draco murmurs. He slowly situates his body to the right side of the bed and pats the empty space. I'm careful so I don't jostle the bed too much and slide right next to his body. My body moves up and down with his as Draco breathes deeply. I place my hand over his chest and feel his warmth and a faint echo of his heart beat. Draco places his lips on the top of my head and drags a finger gradually down my arm.

All I am able to hear is his presence and the welcome call of silence. Oh, what I would pay for this glorious symphony of no sound.

Draco's hand stops moving as he starts to linger on the edge between sleep and reality. I let my own eyes close as well. As my body starts to feel lighter I hear a soft utterance of "I love you."


There's a sharp slamming of the hospital wing doors and I jolt awake. Draco lets out a groan.

"I'm sorry." I hoarsely whisper and notice the dark sky from the other side of the windows. "It must be Madam Pomfrey, she must be checking up on you." It would be awful if she caught me here, not to mention uncomfortable.

I finish slipping on my shoes and turn back to Draco. He smiles lightly. His eyes look soft and more carefree and his hair almost illuminates the room.

As I start to sneak away his hand grabs me and pulls me back with much strength for someone in the hospital wing. When his lips meet mine it is like we are following a script. We know what is happening is meant to. Suddenly I don't care if some older woman in a nurses outfit and pajamas finds me kissing him. I can feel my broken pieces matching his.

Suddenly Draco pulls backwards. "Did you hear that?"


In a swift second Draco is grabbing his regular clothes from the bedside partition and hurriedly buttoning. His shirt is still bloodstained.

"What are you doing?" I can hear rustles from outside the door.

"Something is happening."
I can't deny that he is wrong as a distant sound like a shattering explosion rings.

"What day is it?"

"I don't know. You've been out for awhile-" I stutter, Draco's eyes are growing larger by the second.

"How long."

"Almost a week. Draco, what is going on?" I try to grab ahold of him but he's rummaging through the bedside table like a maniac.

"Adria." He puts his hands on my shoulders. "I had to do this, don't you see? I never had a choice. I just didn't realize that tonight-". His eyes moisten slightly and his skin grows pale in the moonlight.

"Tonight?" The panic in his voice alone has set my heart rate soaring.

I don't know entirely what to do. But my body is taking control of itself as it leans forward. But I do know. I know that I need Draco as much as the waves need the shore, always coming back. Somehow I am fuel to his flame- and I am never letting it be put out.

"The death eaters are inside the castle, and I have let them in."

My mouth turns to cotton but somehow my body stays firm.

"I need you to hide, please. I can't let you get caught up in this. They will take you Adria. Please, stay safe." His voice breaks. "I can't let you be involved. I can't let you-" Draco stops.

He touches his forehead to mine and somehow that's all I needed. Some sort of almighty sign that made every mundane breath become vivid. A feeling that let me know how much I needed to love him.

And it let me know that I need to fight like hell for him.

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