Chapter 13

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It is quite a disadvantage to push through people when you're as small as I am. I'm average I guess, but there's many gangly students at Hogwarts. But that isn't the point. I have to keep my mind on trailing Blaise. Blaise unexpectedly turns and I have to push past someone to continue watching him.

"Watch it!" Someone grumbles irritably.

I mumble an apology and nearly hit the brick wall while making my own turn. It is hard to keep up with Blaise's long and quick strides. He was in all ways the word suave. He is smooth in the way he struts and the way he looks as if everyone is beneath him. It doesn't seem like a hard look for him to master.

Blaise turns his head to look back, his ebony skin stark against the white snow. I press myself against the brick wall. I really am not made for this, but I can admit that it gave me a similar rush as sailing through the air on a broom. When I peek back Blaise is again making his way into trees by the Hogsmeade lake. I make my way over the train tracks as quietly as possible, wishing for coverage from Blaise's dark eyes. I wrap my hands cloaked in wool against a pine tree and wait. The only sound that is prominent is the whistle of the wind.


I let out a small yelp as I tumble over. My wrists are slammed together behind me and my legs are yanked violently. I look down in bewilderment as ropes tied themselves around my body. One snaked it's way around my mouth, pushing up my hair. The wet snow digs itself into my clothes as I squirm on the ground. I lay on my back, greeted by the grey skies. A face obstructs my view with a crooked smile.

"Hello love." He says. His high cheek bones give him a devilish aura.

I jerk against my bind and his smile broadens.

"Following me?" He continues. "Seems like it isn't the first time you've watched us. Am I right?"

For a second I am grateful I can't reply. The ropes dig tighter against my body and I squeeze my eyes shut. I am pulled forward by Blaise grabbing my shirt.

"You have no business following us. You Gryffindors have a knack of getting into something you aren't supposed to." His breath is hot against my cheek. The way he speaks made my skin go cold. "Next time I find you," he stops and chuckles, "you won't be lucky."

I take advantage of his closeness and fling myself forwards. My knee collides with his torso and Blaise reels backwards. The ropes loosen and I quickly shrug them off. My breath creates a fog as I throw the ropes down and scramble for my wand.

"Don't you dare, you filthy blood traitor!" Blaise spat. His eyes somehow grow even darker. We both hold our wands steadily. I am not sure what to say, he had caught me. My heart races.

"Stupefy!" Blaise thrusts his wand forward.

"Portego!" I countered, watching his jet off light fly away from me.

There are calls coming from behind us. I turn my head to see what was happening. My heart nearly stops, it is his fellow Slytherin gang. I a, not prepared for all of them to gang up on me. As soon as I get ready to flee Blaise grabs my wrist.

"Seems like I will have someone keep an eye on you. I don't know how much you already know." He threatens.

I grunt and free my hand. I fly over the snow, all of it becoming a similar blur of white.


I try not to move my wrists as Finn daps a foul liquid on it.

"It's supposed to help." He says in consolation. "How did this even happen?"

"I told you. It's a rope burn from Blaise's spell." I say a bit bitterly. "They're keeping tabs on me now."

Finn doesn't say anything. I had a sinking feeling that proved I am scared of Blaise's threat. A part of me wants Finn to promise that he will watch out for me. But he is silent.

"Adria?" Hermione comes over. "You left me with your bags. I had no idea where you had been!"

I mentally smack myself for forgetting about Hermione and my dress. "I'm so sorry." I say earnestly. I twist away from Finn and play with my mothers ring.

"It's fine. I just took your dress robes with me on the train." Hermione trails off and tilts her head. "What's that on your wrist?"

"Simple injury. I'm really clumsy." I lie. I am not sure what I have gotten into and bringing other people into it doesn't seem wise.

Hermione just nods. I'm pretty sure she isn't about to fall for my lie, but she doesn't say anything. "I placed your bag upstairs."

"Thanks." I say quietly. I would be glad for a chance to lie down. But every time I try I just wake up more exhausted. This is the first year I've had these nightmares and I am not sure of why. I would pray for just one night of real sleep. Suddenly the darkness of the night isn't comforting anymore, instead it is a warning.

FatalityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora