Chapter 11

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Emma's POV

"So, Emma, what do you want to do today now that you are finally free?"- Anna asked me

Me and mom are finally okay, I'm still wearing crutches and my mom has to take medicines

"Well, since I have been eating disgusting hospital food for two weeks, we should go get ice cream"- I have been dying to eat an ice cream, or anything that's not mashed potatoes

I mean I love mashed potatoes but it has been tiring to eat them every single day for two weeks

"Ok, Brian will meet us there"

"Ok, what about Destiny and Mary?"

"They'll be there too"


"Emma, how are you feeling?"- Brian asked me

"Honestly I'm happy that I'm finally free! It was getting boring"

"I'm sure it was awful"- Destiny said

"I brought you this"- Brian said taking out a box of chocolates

"Brian! You shouldn't have! How do you know these are my favorite kind?"


"Thank you so much!"- I said walking towards him and hugging him

"You are very welcome"- he said breaking the hug and grabbing my face to kiss me

I could hear my friends saying 'Aww'


"What movie will we watch?"- we were going to the movies since I have missed most of them

"We are going to watch Me Before You"- Anna said

"Romantic movie, so that's why we are best friends"

I sat next to Brian and Anna, next to Anna were Destiny and Mary

We were half way through the movie when Brian 'yawns' and puts his arm around me, just like in movies. I turn to see him, even though it's dark, I still see his beautiful eyes.

I kiss him

He kisses me back

We didn't even notice that the movie was already over

We missed the ending, we spent the other half of the movie looking at each other and kissing

It was worth it and definitely fit for a romantic movie


"So, Emma, what did you think of the movie?"- Anna asked me, she obviously knew that we didn't watch the movie at all

"Its was awesome! Right Brian?"- I said looking at him

"Yes, it was great"- he said without looking at Anna, he couldn't take his eyes off mine

"What was your favorite part?" Anna asked

"The part where they kiss"- Brian said and then kissed me, making me laugh

"When did I become the third wheel?"- Anna asked

"What now?"- Destiny asked

"What about a sleepover?"- Mary says

"Good idea!"- I say

"My house!"- Destiny says


"What is the thing you hate the most about Brian?"- Mary asked me

We were playing truth or dare

"Well, I hate that he doesn't text me very often, but it's not so bad because he prefers to see me rather than just text me. My turn to ask"

I'm very bad at this because I never know what to ask

I spin the bottle

Dare for Anna

"Anna! You have to prank call Max"

Her face turned totally red

"No!"- she said

"You can use my phone so he doesn't know it's you, you have to tell him that your friend is in love with him, you can make up the name if you want"

*phone rings*

"Hello?"- Max answered

"Um, hello sir"- she kind of tried to change her voice so he wouldn't know it was her- "I need to tell you something, my friend Melissa is in love with you"

"What? I don't know who Melissa is"

"That's all sir"

*end of phone call*

"That was awesome!"- I told Anna

"Thank you, my turn to spin"

Truth for Mary

"Mary, you have to be honest about this, do you like Brian?"

Mary turned red and hesitated

"At first I did, but then Brian chose Emma, but it's okay, I've moved on, I like a guy named Charlie, he's super cute"

I was shocked

I didn't know Mary liked Brian, even though he's not even my boyfriend, I'm kind of jealous

"Mary, it's okay! You don't have to feel bad! It's awesome that you know someone like Charlie! I'm sure he's the best, we have to meet him"- I told Mary

"We can maybe go out sometime, we just need to find someone for Destiny"- Mary said and we all looked at Destiny

"No!"- Destiny said -" I'm fine without a boy! Can't you see I'm an independent woman?"

We all laughed

"Well, can you at least bring a friend?"


"I'll take Brian, Mary will take Charlie, Anna will take Max and Destiny will take a friend, perfect"- I said

"But, we do have to make a deal"- Anna said

"What deal?"- Mary said

"We have to promise this: sisters before misters"

We all hugged and then went to sleep

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