Chapter 7

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"Hi Brian"- I said when I saw him

"Hi Emma"- he said

"We exist too you know!"- Anna and Destiny said but Brian didn't answer because he was looking at me

"Brian?"- Anna insisted


"You're drooling a bit?"- Anna said laughing

He turned looking at the road. embarrassed

Anna's mom came to pick us up just like yesterday

It takes about 1 hour to get to Anna's house from school, so we listened to some music

We were singing and dancing like crazy, when I suddenly see Brian staring

I turn bright red and stop 

He's still staring and I have no idea what to do so I stare back at him and smile

I hear Anna fake-coughing, so I stop looking at him and see Destiny and Anna looking at me closely

"What?"- I say whispering

"You were on the 9th cloud"- Anna says it like its obvious

"No I wasn't"- my cheeks are still red, I'm sure

I looked back at Brian and he was laughing quietly

He looked so cute


"What are we going to do about Mary?"- I asked Destiny and Anna


"Mary, honestly you haven't done anything but 2 posters"- Anna said - "and we have to do something about it"

"We understand that your mom didn't give you permission to go to Anna's house, but at least you could've tried to convince her"- I said

"We asked our moms what to do, they said we had to tell the teacher, or else, they would have to come to the school to tell her themselves, and you know that will be WORLD WAR III! So we have to tell her ourselves, we're sorry Mary"- Destiny said

Mary started to cry

"Mary we are truly sorry"- I said

She ran away to the bathroom still crying

"As much as this hurts, we have to go tell the teacher"-Anna said

"You are right Anna"- I said - "come on"


"So, you are telling me you 3 did all the cooking and she just did 2 posters?"- we went to the teacher as our mothers instructed, we really don't want them handling our problem, when it comes to conflicts like this, that involve grades, our mothers can be quite impulsive and harsh

"Yes, Mary's mother doesn't let her out of the house, we get that's not our fault, nor hers, but if she would've told her mom it was a very important project, I'm sure she would've considered at least"- I said

"What do you intend to do?"- she asked us

"Maybe have different grades"- Anna said

"Ok, I will see what I can do"

"Thank you!"- Destiny said

End Flashback

"I already tried calling her, she didn't answer"- Anna said

"I say we give her some time"- Destiny said

"You're right, but I'm worried, I don't want to lose one of my best friends because of some project"- I said sadly

"You won't"- Anna said


I get out of the car and get my things from the trunk, I turn around and there he is; Brian is right behind me

"You need help?"- he asks

"No thanks, I'm fine"- I say

"Are you sure? Let me help you"

"Why don't you get the pizza?"- Anna's mom had to order pizza because she didn't have time to cook for all of us since we weren't supposed to come a second time

"Ok"- he said grabbing the pizza


"We should probably make some posters just in case Mary doesn't bring hers"- Destiny said

"That's a good idea"- I said - "but first we have to finish cooking"

"You're right"- Destiny said

~About 3 hours later~

"Finally"- Anna said

"We have to start the posters"- I said

"Emma, do you mind going upstairs and asking my brother for markers?"- Anna said with that face that I hate

"Why me?"

"Well, because Destiny and I are too tired! And it's so far away!"- Anna said and Destiny nodded

"Fine, whatever"- I ran upstairs

"Hey, Brian! I need a favor"

"Of course, anything"- he said smiling

"Could I borrow some markers?"- I think he expected me to say something else because his smile faded

"Sure"- he gave me the markers, I said thank you and ran downstairs

We started working on the posters

"Emma, I need a ruler, and my brother has one, can you go get it?- Anna said

This was the 7th time Anna needed something for me to get

"It's Destiny's turn, Brian probably hates and hallucinates me already"

"No, he doesn't! He loves you!"- Destiny said

"I swear this is the last time!"- I started leaving and I heard Anna saying 'she said that last time'


"Hello again! You probably hate me by now, but can I borrow a ruler?"

"Emma, how could I hate you? You are amazing and beautiful, I never get tired of looking at you, I'm truly in love with you"- he said approaching me

"Really?"- he was so close I could feel his breathing but I backed away - "are rulers amazing?"

A couple of seconds passed until he realized what was happening

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't thinking straight. Let me get that ruler"- just as he started walking away I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him close, kissing him

I just had my first kiss with the boy of my dreams; my best friend's brother

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