Chapter 8

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She pulled me in for a kiss

Oh my God Brian! You were supposed to pull her in

It felt good though

"Wait a second"- I say after we kiss

I turn around and pump my fist in the air yelling "YES!"- and then turn around again to face her, she's smiling

Her smile kills me

I kiss her again

"You know how many times I wanted to kiss you, but wasn't sure if you wanted to kiss me back?"- I said looking straight into her beautiful eyes

"You know how many times I listened to cheesy romantic songs while I was thinking of you?"- she said looking back at me

I wanted to kiss her again and again and again forever

"So, what now?"- she asked

We were still looking into each other's eyes

"Well, I could go get that ruler so you can finish your project"- I don't want this moment to end, but I understand that she has a project to do and that's why she came

"Oh, yeah"- she said disappointedly 

I gave her the ruler and she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and ran downstairs


I ran downstairs, I couldn't stop smiling

"Why did you take so long?"- Anna asked

"Brian couldn't find a ruler"- I said as calmly as possible

"Yeah, right, we are going to interrogate you later, but right now we need to finish the posters"- Anna said and Destiny nodded


I was supposed to draw the Eiffel Tower for one of the posters but I didn't know how

"Who knows how to draw the Eiffel Tower?"- I asked

"Emma, you know perfectly that both Destiny and I hate drawing and are terrible at it"- Anna said in response -"but Brian knows how to, you can ask him to draw it for you"

It was a terrible idea, we had just kissed a couple of minutes ago

"Can you go ask him?"- I told Anna



"He said he's busy with homework"

"It's okay, I'll draw it"- I said

"Emma, what are you so worried about? Your drawing skills are amazing!"- Destiny said

"Thanks Destiny! I'll try my best"

I finally finished the poster and it wasn't half as bad

"Look"- I told them -"what do you think?"

"It awesome! You should show Brian!"- Anna said

"Why should I do that?"

"The question is why shouldn't you?"- Destiny said

"Fine, I will, but not now"


"We are finally done!"- we all celebrated

"Let's go upstairs and play 'truths'"- Anna said

"Great idea!"- Destiny said

I knew they wanted to ask me about the whole ruler thing


"My turn! Emma, what happened with Brian?"- Anna asked

"Fine, I'll tell you the whole thing"

And I did, I told them every single detail that I could remember from that magical moment

When I finished talking they didn't say anything, I'm sure they were shocked

About a minute passed when they both screamed in unison

"Oh. My. God."- Anna said

"Mind-blown"- Destiny said

"I'm going to punch him after you guys leave"- Anna said

"Why?"- I asked worriedly

"Because he was supposed to pull you in for the kiss"

"Well, I noticed he wanted to kiss me, but then he didn't, so I guess it was up to me"- I answered

"I'm still punching him"- Anna said

"Well, I think it was awesome just the way it happened! You showed some real girl power by taking the first step"- Destiny said

"Yeah, you're right! But what do I do now?"- I asked them

"You wait"- Anna said

"For what?"- I honestly had no clue

"For him to ask you out"- Anna said "and then marry you"

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