Chapter 10

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I couldn't breathe for a second

Brian just told me that he is in love with me

Why is he telling me this now?

Will he ask me out?

What should I say to him?

I think he notices that I'm in shock

"Emma?"- he says bringing me back to reality

"What? Oh, sorry"

"It's okay"

"Brian, I don't know what to say!"

"You don't have to say anything"

I try to put my feeling into words but can't, and all I manage to say is

"Can you please come closer? As you can see I can't move"- I say smiling

He does as I say, he smiles and turns red, so cute

He sits on the hospital bed and I try my best to hug him

He hugs me back

"Emma, I love you"- he says still hugging me

I stop hugging him to look at him and say

"I love you too"

I then kiss him

We were kissing when I suddenly hear Anna and Destiny fake-cough (as they always do when it's awkward for them)

"Are we interrupting anything?"- Destiny asked

"No"- we both say laughing

"Brian, I need to talk to you outside"- Anna said

They both left the room

"What do you think they'll talk about?"- I ask Destiny

"I already know but I won't tell you"


"What's wrong Anna?"

"Are you going to ask her out?"

"Yes, but not today"

"Ok, what do you have in mind?"

"What are you taking about?"

"How will you ask her?"

"I don't know, maybe using words"

This seems pretty serious so I try my best not to laugh

"You're such an idiot! You have to make it the most special day of her life, you have to think of something that she will remember forever"

"Like what?"

"I don't know! You have to think of something, not me! When you have something in mind tell me so that I can help you"

"Ok, I will"

I didn't know that girls liked that kind of stuff

Good thing I have a sister


I see Anna and Brian coming in through the door

"Hey guys, is everything okay?"- I ask them

"Yeah, everything is fine"- Anna said looking at Brian

I honestly have no idea what they were talking about

I suddenly feel something horrible in my left and right ears and instantly start screaming in pain, I can see Brian's Anna's  and Destiny's mouths moving but I can't hear them

About a minute later the doctor comes in

I reach one of my ears and see blood on my hand

The next thing I see is everything goes black


I woke up

I still can't hear anything but I can see Brian, Anna, Destiny and their parents sitting down with worried faces

I don't want them to worry so much about me

When I open my eyes, Brian immediately stands up and sits down on the bed

I see his lips move but don't hear anything

My ears aren't working

Brian calls the doctor and he checks my ears

I don't know what he is saying but everyone looks worried so I'm guessing it's not good news


"Testing, 1, 2, 3"- I can hear the doctor say

"My ears work again!"

"Emma!"- Anna says

She has been crying

"Why are you crying Anna?"

"I was worried sick Emma"

"What happened?"- I ask

"Your ears were not working, it has to do with the accident, we had to put in hearing aids, you'll have to use them from now on"- the doctor says

"Ok, thank you doctor"

"And because of this, you'll have to stay longer in the hospital, at least one or two weeks depending on that leg and those ears"

"How is my mother doctor?"

"She is fine. She will be out in two days, you can see her then"

I'm relieved, I haven't been able to see her

"We'll come visit you, I promise"- Brian said

It's going to be an eternity of pain, but at least I'll have my friends and Brian

They stayed for about an hour and then left


"Well, my plans are ruined"- I tell Anna

"What plans? You don't have anything in mind"

"Yes I do, but they'll have to wait at least one or two weeks"

"I'll tell you something Brian, she is my best friend, and if you break her heart I will break your neck, even if you are my brother, you understand?"- I'm kind of intimidated by her


How could I break her heart?

She is everything to me

I love her


I have a question for you guys

How would you like your crush to ask you out?

My answer: I don't care as long as he brings roses

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