Chapter 9

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"So, Mary called you?"- Anna and I were talking on the phone, after her mom dropped me off at my house

"Yeah!"- she answered

"What did she say?"

"She said that she wasn't mad at us anymore, that she had time to think about it and we were right, so she said she would do 10 posters or so"

"Isn't that a lot?"

"That is what I said"

"But we already have the posters done!"

"I told her that too! But she insisted"

I suddenly hear someone else


"Anna?"- I said

"Emma, I'm sorry! My brother says that he wants to talk to you, should I let him?"


"Ok, here he is"

"Hi Emma"- Brian said

"Hi Brian, is everything all right?"

"Yes, everything's fine, I just wanted to hear your voice"

"That's sweet Brian"

"Well, I'm leaving now"



I was struggling with what to say, I wanted to keep talking to him, but I didn't know what to talk about

"Good night"

"Good night Emma! Here's Anna"


"Hello"- Anna said - "so, we were talking about Mary remember?"

I couldn't manage to respond

I was still thinking about him

Did he say he just wanted to hear my voice

That's too sweet !

"Emma? Are you still alive?"

"What? Yes"


"What were we talking about?"


"Oh, yeah"

"She said that she wasn't mad anymore, she's back in the team"

"I'm glad to hear that"

"Well, that was all, I'm super tired, good night Emma"

"Good night Anna!"


Thursday mornings are the best, it's always sunny

What's wrong with me? I hate it when it's sunny! I prefer rain, that way I can stay home and read a book

Am I in love?


My mom picked me up from school

Today was just a normal day, nothing interesting

"How was your day sweetheart?"- my mom asked me

"It was all right, I got an A+ in math"

"Congratulations honey"

My mom looked at me and smiled, I suddenly hear a loud honk and the next thing I saw was a tree in front of my face and then it all went black


"Mom?"- I asked waiting for an answer but didn't get one

As soon as I opened my eyes I saw about 5 doctors doing something to my leg, which by the way hurt like hell, I instantly closed my eyes


I finally opened my eyes again

I saw Anna, Brian, Destiny, Anna's mom, Destiny's mom, most of my family and Alex


"She woke up!"- Anna said - "hi there sleepy head

I could barely hear her and my head hurt

"What happened? Where's my mom?"

"She is in the room next door"- Destiny said

"Is she all right?"

"She has a broken arm and a terrible cut in the forehead, just like you"- Anna's mom said

So that's why my head hurts

"So, what happened?"

"You were in a car accident"- Brian said  with tears

Was he crying? For me?

"Why are you crying Brian?"- I asked him

"I...I failed math"

I knew it wasn't true

"When did it happen?"- I asked them

"Yesterday"- Anna said - "right after school"

"What time is it?"

"4:00"- Destiny said

"What is Alex doing here?"- I asked

"He wanted to come and see how you were doing"- Anna said

"Thanks for coming Alex, as you can see I'm not fine, but thanks for stopping by"- I was practically asking him to leave

"Take care"- he said as he made his way out leaving a box of my favorite chocolates

"Anyway, thank you for coming"

"It's our pleasure"- Brian said

"Can you all leave me with Brian, Anna and Destiny please?"- everyone left as soon as I said it

"What's wrong Emma?"- Anna said sitting down on my hospital bed

"I wanted to really thank you for coming to see me, I really appreciate it"

"Emma don't be ridiculous, we were worried about you and wanted to come see you"- Anna said

"Yeah, you are our friend, and we care about you"- Destiny said

The two of them hugged me

"Ladies, could I have a minute alone with Emma please?"- Brian said breaking up the hug

"Of course Brian"- Anna said

They left and I could see Anna winking at me as she went through the door

That crazy girl

"Emma are you okay?"

"Well, no, my head, my leg and my ears hurt"

"I'm so sorry this happened to you"

"You don't have to be sorry, it's not your fault"

"I brought you these"- he said taking a bunch of beautiful roses

"Really? You shouldn't have!"- I said taking the roses

How does he know that roses are my favorite flowers?

"Emma, there's something I need to tell you, I know it's probably a bad time- he said, he looked nervous- but I can't wait any longer"

"What is it?"

"I'm in love with you"

Hi guys!
Thank you so much for reading! I really hope you are enjoying it so far

And, just so you know, all the girls are 15 years old and Brian is 16 about to turn 17

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