Chapter 3

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"Are you ready to see the love of your life today?" Anna asked

"Seriously Anna! How could he be the love of my life?"

"Well, you two are perfect for each other! You are the eraser to his pencil..."

"The what?"

"..., the toothpaste to his toothbrush, the peanut butter to his jelly, the maple to his waffle..." - I interrupted her before she said anything more stupid

"Are you insane!" - I said laughing like never before - "you are definitely crazy!"

"Yeah, but you know I'm right! The second he sees you, he'll fall in love"

"Okay, whatever! This project is not about a boy, it's about cooking, and we have to focus"

We were all sitting down, and suddenly Mary got a text from her mom, and she frowned

"What's wrong Mary?"

"My mom said I couldn't come to your house to do the project" - Mary said sadly

"That's okay Mary, don't worry! Can you take care of the posters?" - Destiny said

"Of course"

The bell rang, which indicated that we could go home

"Finally! We can get out of this prison"- I said sarcastically.

"And you can see your boyfriend!" - Anna said normally

I just rolled my eyes


On my way out I saw my ex-boyfriend, Alex. 

Some memories came to me.

Like the time he got me flowers, or the time he told me he liked me 

My train of thoughts went something like this...

"Emma, I really like you" - Alex said

"Really? Well, I like you too" - I said

"So, what now?"

"I don't know"

"Do you maybe want to be more than friends?"

"I don't think I'm ready" - I feel my cheeks burning, I'm sure they are as red as fire itself

"Don't worry, I'll give you some time to think about it"

"Thanks, I guess"- how embarrassing! Did I just say that?

"Sure! Anything you need, I'm here for you"

*Alex's point of view*

Today is Valentine's Day
I hope Emma gets the flowers I sent her

"Hey Alex, thank you for the roses, they are beautiful!" -Emma said with a huge smile on her face and as always, red cheeks

"You are more than welcome!" - I said expecting her to say something else, but she didn't, I guess she still needs time

She will be mine

He passed by and didn't even bother to say hi. That gets me mad and happy at the same time, but whatever, I shouldn't be worrying about him anymore

We had to walk a lot to get to Anna's mom, and I got kind of lost on my thoughts. 

"Emma are you okay?"- Anna asked me

I didn't answer


"I'm sorry what?"

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, why?"

"You look like you are not"

"Yeah, Emma, Anna is right!"- Destiny said appearing out of nowhere

"Wow! Where did you come from?" - I asked almost screaming

"That's not the point! You are not okay!"

"Well, I've been thinking, a lot, about...(I stopped for a second)  what it would be like to be a cardboard box"- I said trying my best not to burst into laughter

"Oh my god, Emma! You are unbelievable"- Anna said rolling her eyes

"Seriously Emma! Tell us"- Destiny said curiously 

"Fine! I'm just nervous about the whole Brian thing, I don't really know him, we've never really talked before. I have no idea what will happen when I see him. What if I go crazy? That would definitely be embarrassing"

"Look Emma I know you are scared, but that's what makes it interesting! Destiny and I will keep you from doing anything weird or stupid, don't worry" - Anna said

I'm really thankful for my friends, I don't know what I would do without them
Even though they can say the most stupid things, they really make my day

"I'm sad Mary couldn't come!" - I said changing the topic of the conversation

"I know! It would have been fun for the four of us to cook together"- Destiny said

"Yeah, but we'll call her later"- Anna said

"Oh, look! You mom is here! And so is your brother!" - I said and then realized it was too late, Anna and Destiny were already looking at me with that face that I hate

"Oh yes he is honey" - Anna said running towards the car

My best friend's brotherOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant