Wednesday 29th March

22 2 1

Not Fair

There is a girl (I'll call her Layla) in my set for science and hangs around with the group I recently hung out with as well as also went to my primary school who REALLY gets on my nerves. I don't talk to her but she always finds a way to say horrid comments to me or annoy the shit out of everyone. On Monday in our Physics class, we were getting a demonstration from our teacher (Who really does not like me, Maddie and another friend) and I was going through my planner when Miss asked the other friend what she thought about what was happening in the demonstration, because she said it and got told off for talking so said it again. The other friend said that she didn't know anymore and doesn't think the same thing now. Miss asked me and I said "I'm not sure Miss." She shouted at me for not paying attention and I had to think about it(I was quite ill and couldn't concentrate although I'm not sure what it is to be honest but I'm not sick sick). Layla shouted from the other side of the classroom to Miss "She doesn't have the brains TO think Miss!" And a few people just kinda looked at her but no one laughed. Miss just carried on with the experiment and completely ignored what Layla had said, which, of course pissed me off because it's not fair that she got away with saying it.

It's not just then that she's done that, in Primary she used to try get me in trouble for no reason and other stuff too. She started again in about October/November time when Maddie went away to Orlando for two weeks and I hung around with Annie, Layla and others. When I had a breakdown in school just before I did I stood in the canteen, next to Annie and Layla was like a seat away I think, shaking and panicky whilst digging my watch into my wrist (the metal bit that you put through the holes to fasten the watch on). Annie took the watch off of my wrist and told me to stop doing it. Layla asked what it was I was doing and Annie told her, she said I was stupid and asked why ect: and I walked out alone.

Another time she made a comment about Harvey the same day at break when I kept getting told he was a dickhead and asked why I was going out with him from everyone in the group. Why? Because he was drunk in school and we only just had tutor and the first two lessons... oh and he decided in his class to kiss two boys (names will be unmentioned). I guess that's one of the reasons I broke down. Well, three.


So because of what happened in Physics and the fact that Layla told our Biology teacher that we bully HER, I decided that on the way to Maths to go to my biology teacher and tell him with Maddie and the other friend. But no. Layla is protected by a part of the school called "The Progress Zone" which means nothing will happen basically besides from getting a warning to ALL FOUR of us! How unfair is that? Me, Maddie and the other friend got told off for no fucking reason! So, today we had our bio teacher for the second half of our Spanish exam (our teacher is ill) and he asked me and Maddie to meet him in the science rooms with the other friend. When we went, Layla walked in with us. We knew what it was about when he told me and Maddie to go. What happened? We were told never to talk and stay as far as we can from each other. THAT. IS. IT! Yes, I definitely always go near and talk to Layla just to get basically bullied for no fucking reason. Thanks Sir! He also said that if he gets any reports of more 'incidents' he will get the head of year and some teacher that deals with bad behavior ect (I don't know what his job is called) and basically.... me and the girls (except Layla) will just get into more shit. Except, the other friend isn't a part of this sooo... it's not fair on her.

A/N So I know I keep doing this (writing two chapters each time) buuuut I've been holding the next off for too long and well, today is probably the best time to do it.

-ADOATG Emily x

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