Wednesday 1st March (1)

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Should I Stay To Myself If They Never Listen?

Whenever I'm upset I talk to Fletcher. He always listens and helps me. He always cheers me up most of the time and he's the one I always go to. I'm pretty sure that Harvey gets annoyed because I don't go to him, I don't go to my best friend Annie either. To be honest it's easier to talk to Fletcher than them. Annie most of the time ignores what I say or doesn't really help. With Harvey he's pretty much always busy and I never really know what to say to him.

On Saturday night I almost had another breakdown whilst out with Annie, her little sister Mary, Fletcher and Annies boyfriend Greyson. Greyson and Fletcher went off leaving us three girls at the park to go to Maryland Primary School to climb the roof. Whilst gone I told Annie something I regret. Not for telling her. For what it was. When the boys were coming back I walked over to a bench that stood a few metres away in the dark. I sat alone for about 10 minutes until Fletcher came over and knelt in front of me but off to the side. He asked if I was alright and what was wrong. I shook my head and told him I wasn't, he asked what was wrong again and I told him that this was one thing I couldn't tell to anyone else. He sat with me for ages and we just talked, he stopped me from having my third breakdown that night.

Whenever I talk about something 90% of the time I'll get interrupted and no one lets me talk. in that 90% they probably won't even listen and the 10% is when its to do with them that they will actually 'listen'. Honestly I give up talking about myself, no one listens to me besides Fletcher and the odd time Harvey and most of the time Lexi. They always get annoyed at me for talking to Fletcher instead of them but why should I try anymore when they don't listen and/or ignore me? 

A/N I know this is a lot shorter than normal but I just wanted to say this and I don't really know how to tell my friends and Harvey this.

Seen as this is short I'm going to copy and paste something I wrote in Year 8 and 9. Once Again I will have to change name ect.

-ADOATG Emily x

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