EIGHTEEN| "Bob, got it,"

Start from the beginning

What his problem?

Deciding to ignore Kai's strange behaviour, I start work.

Work seemed extremely slow and boring today, especially with Rhys and Charlie not working the same shifts as me. I tried speaking to Amy but, I think she hates me since she keeps ignoring me and refuses to make eye-contact.


"Name?" I ask, bored

"Zac," the customer mumbles, looking down at his phone

"Bob," I mutter writing it on the plastic cup

"It's Zac," he corrects, looking up from his phone

Okay Bob, "got it," I turn to prepare the drink

"Bo-Zac, your drink is ready," leaving the drink on the counter, I go back to the queue of customers. From the corner of my eye I notice Zac, staring at his cup in confusion then looking up at me, instead of saying anything he just shakes his head and walks out.

"Ava, you need to stop," Aiden scolds, standing behind me

"Sorry, it's not my fault all their names are Bob," I say, turning to Aiden while I slouch and pout

He gives me a 'are you serious?' look, which I respond with, "fine I'll stop."

After a few minutes, another customer enters the cafe and places their order,

"Bob, got it," I smile at the customer and write the name

"Ava!" Aiden warns, gritting his teeth and glaring at me as he walks past

"What?! His name is Bob!" I point at smiling Bob, who flashes a goofy smile Aiden's way

Aiden walks past with his eyes narrowed at me.

Stupid Bob!




"Hi, Bob!" I greet Kai, as he walks into the café just as we finish cleaning up

I hear Aiden groan loudly behind me causing me to smile an evil smile.

"Bob?" Kai questions, raising one brow

"Makes boring work life a tad bit more entertaining," I shrug, collecting my bag from the locker room

"Ava, you can't keep calling all the customers Bob, or else I'll have to fire you and I'm sure Ka-," Aiden threatens, glancing at Kai for a second then leading the way out of the store

I dramatically gasp, "You love me too much to let me go,"

"Bye Ava," Aiden shakes his head at me, walking in the other direction after locking the store, he can't?!

"You'll regret this!" I yell, behind him

"Ava, I don't think he means bye as in bye as in his firing you but, more of a bye as in 'see you tomorrow'," Kai explains with a little smile

Oh. "psh, I knew that Aiden loves me too much to let me go," I flip my hair, dancing towards Kai's car, I'm his favourite.

I hear Kai chuckle as we get into the car.

I decide to bring up this mornings topic again,

deep breathes

"So, if you're done being childish, I'd like to-" I sigh, here we go again

"So, you remember Liam and Adeline's party?" I nod and he continues, "well, the wedding is next weekend and I was wondering if you'd like to go?"

I don't know?

There'll be food and cake

So Duh!

"Sure I'd love to," I smile at Kai, he glances at me for a second returning my smile before turning to the road

"Do you need to go dress shopping?" Kai asks, okay his actually asking me about shopping

Applause for Kaison, please!

"Erm-I don't know," I mutter, biting my lip as I thought about my bank account

Could I really afford to buy a dress that I'd properly wear only once in my whole lifetime?


"My treat, since you did company me to the party and now the wedding," we stop at a traffic light and Kai looks at me.

Could I really take something for free?

Well, it's more of a gift, so I gues-

"Sure I guess, why not," I shrug, pretending I'm not bothered by this sexy Greek god buying me a dress.

"So-"I start,

Not again!

I sigh over the loud music blasting through the radio.

Turning to glaring at his perfect face, only to find him grinning at me.

Stupid cute shit!

- Authors note -


Oh Kai what are you doing🤔😏

I have published a new short story would appreciate it if you'd check it out 😊

Thank you for reading, commenting and voting!!

Love you all and adios❤️❤️

Love you all and adios❤️❤️

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R.I.P Jonghyun 😭

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