6 - Anathema

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"Heyo, Tyjo."
You had decided to call in the middle of the night. You were certain that you were either dreaming or awake, but you didn't exactly know.
"Hey, (Y/N). I'm not sure if you got the time zones wrong or something but it's almost 4am over here-"
"O-Oh, it's not because of that! But if you want to sleep, I'll let you." You heard shuffling and muffled voices on the other line. After a small while, Tyler was back on the phone, sounding a bit less groggy and tired.
"It's okay, I'll let you talk. What's on your mind?" You tried to explain the dream you had in detail.

(A/N: Credit to a good fren for the dream idea~)


You were locked outside on a stormy night. The rain fell violently and weaved into your hair, making it go flat over your face. You didn't mind. Even if you brushed your hair out of the way you still wouldn't be able to see through the mist. Something felt awfully familiar.

It was a voice in your head that hadn't awoken in a long time. In fact, it had only just occurred to you that you had been doing okay for the past few months. You couldn't remember why. But, now it was back. Your reason to be okay had gone away for a while. Something about a tour.

The familiar voice whispered familiar words.
"Why are you still here?"
"No one understands you."

You spoke aloud but quietly. "Go away, Blurry. Leave me alone." It laughed. What a pathetic request. Of course it wouldn't leave you alone. You were all it had for entertainment. You're all it ever will have. "Won't you go to someone else's dreams?"
Pain wracked through your body. It pulsed throughout your arms, highlighting every time you gave into your old friend, the razor, sat in its usual place by your kitchen sink. It felt like every cut was happening at once, new ones overlapping faded ones as old as a year as you clenched your tired eyes shut.
"Go to someone else's head! You've already taken enough from me! Go torture someone else's sleep!"


"I never knew I could feel pain in a dream." You finished, waiting for Tyler to process what you had told him. A familiar silence hung over the line again. It was peaceful and reassuring somehow. You didn't know how.
"What did you do when you woke up?" Concern tainted his voice.
"Well, as I woke up I was probably still yelling at Blurry. I immediately called because you always know what to do when this happens."
"Well, um..." Tyler began, taking a moment to find his words. "When I have to deal with Blurryface, I always listen to music to keep him away. It works every time because the singing and music drowns out his voice. Try speaking to yourself aloud when you're alone, even if your own voice stops his it'll be worth it."
"Thank you, Tyler. I'm so glad I can still stay in touch with you both even when you're both on tour." You heard chucking on the other line.
"Just imagine I'm sending you virtual hugs!" Muffled sounds could be heard as the literal man-child supposedly hugged the phone to his chest. You couldn't stop yourself from laughing.
"Thank you~! It's only a few more days until I can see you, right? Tell Jishwa I can't wait to see you both!"
"I sure will. I hope you have a great day!"

You simply couldn't wait for your friends to return from  their tour. You felt a warm, almost fuzzy feeling in your chest. That's what happiness feels like.

Heyyy I haven't updated with a proper chapter in a long while but here I am again!
The next chapter will probably be Reader-chan meeting the two smol beans at the airport. Of course, I'll need to find a song title to use as a good chapter title but I'm sure I'll find something :3
I love writing this book! It helps me cope sometimes and I often sneak onto my school iPad during lessons so I can keep writing. Whenever I get ideas, I always find an opportunity to write about them during a lesson so I don't get writers block as often as I have been recently. You guys seem to be enjoying the book, so I'll keep updating as much as I can! I don't have a clear vision for the end yet but I'll be sure not to abandon this book like I have with others in the past ^^
Until next time~

Quiet is Violent - Twenty One Pilots x Reader (TØP) (TRIGGER WARNING)Where stories live. Discover now