I stare at the door.

Anytime now, Hunter.

I start to get bored waiting for him, so I go on my phone and text Ginny. Of course, she doesn't respond.

I feel like I'm being watched, so my head whips around, but no one's there. The eerie feelings stays with me.

My breathing suddenly hitches.

How long has Hunter been gone?

I glance at the clock on my phone. Twelve minutes. I set my phone to the side and close my eyes, controlling my breathing. I inhale, count to ten, then exhale. I do this for a while, but my head starts to spin and it gets harder to hold my breath. Soon, I can only count to two before I have to exhale and inhale again.

Twenty minutes.

Has Hunter been hurt? Is he okay? Did Stan break out of jail and hunt him down and kill him?

I start to stand, but my knees buckle, causing me to collapse onto the floor. My entire body shakes violently as I curl myself into a tight ball, tears running down my face.

I swear I hear Stan's voice whisper, "You're mine again."


"Hey, Hunt- HARPER!"

I hear quick steps, then feel someone's hands on my arms. Stan's venomous voice and eyes flash through my mind, making me flinch away like I've been burnt. I can feel my body trembling like it's below zero degrees.

"Right, right. Shoot, is that blood? Harper, open your eyes, it's just me. It's Matt."

My eyes shoot open. Matt's leaning over me, searching my face with worried eyes. He seems to be more relieved when he sees that my eyes are open.

I sit up and start sobbing uncontrollably, pressing my face into my hands. Matt just sits beside me, not knowing what to do. I don't know how long I've been unconscious or unresponsive, or how long I've been sobbing, but I do know that it's already evening.

After a few minutes and I'm still crying, Matt asks, "Can I touch your hair?"

I nod.

He doesn't immediately touch it, though. Instead, he stands, walks into the bathroom, and comes back with a wet washcloth. He gently touches it to my hair. I watch him, focusing on his movements to calm myself down. I realize that the washcloth comes back with a splotch of red.

I squeeze my eyes shut, pretending that I'm at Hunter's concert, in a room with thousands of people. I then imagine Hunter hugging me. For some reason, it helps me control my breathing. I almost forget about Matt washing the blood out of my hair.

Once he's done, Matt says softly, "Here, can you stand for me?"

I nod, but when I do try to stand, I have to hold onto the wall. Matt, without touching me, leads me over to my bunk and has me lie down on it. I close my eyes and try to sleep, but it never comes.

Ten minutes or so pass when the bus doors open, someone new entering. I keep my eyes closed.

Hunter's voice cheerfully asks, "Hey, what's up Matt?" There's a moment of silence. "Wait, is something wrong? What happened?"

Matt's voice, stern, asks, "What time does that clock say, Hunter?"


"And when did the show end?"

"Five, but I had to go over that one note my voice cracked on-"

Matt interrupts Hunter by saying, "Do you know how long you left Harper alone for?"

You Make Me ▶▶A Hunter Hayes Fanfiction◀◀Where stories live. Discover now