Candle Magick for a Lost Love

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Candle Magick to Bring Back a Lost Love

(DOES NOT work if your lost love is deceased)
(DOES work for all sexualities)

Items needed:

-one black candle (not glass, nor human shaped)

-one white candle (same restrictions)

-one brown taper candle

-candle holders (one for each candle)

-one thirteen inch length of black ribbon

-one thirteen inch length of white ribbon

(yarn or string is fine to use in place of ribbon for both of those)

dress the candle:

Dress the black candle. The black candle should represent the woman/feminine person. Dress the candle keeping this person in mind.

If you're a woman trying to cross paths with a man, the black candle would represent you

If you are a man trying to cross paths with a woman, the black candle would represent her

If you are trying to cross paths with someone of the same sex, the black candle should represent the more passive/submissive person in the relationship

Dress the white candle. The white candle should represent the man/masculine person. Dress the candle keeping this person in mind.

If you're a woman trying to cross paths with a man, the white candle would represent him

If you are a man trying to cross paths with a woman, the white candle would represent you

If you are trying to cross paths with someone of the same sex, the white candle should represent the more active/aggressive person in the relationship

Dress the brown candle. The brown candle represents your reunion, so visualize your reunion as you dress it. Don't visualize falling in love, don't visualize romance or sex-just visualize running into each other or hearing from each other again, and how happy you would be at that moment.

You do not need to dress the small white candle, as it's just a service taper (the candle you'll use for convenience to light the other candles).

Place the candles in holders.

The first night of the spell is best done 9 days before the full moon, so that the spell will end on the night of the full moon. It's very important to do it each night in succession, preferably at the same time.

Night One:

Relax yourself and let go of intrusive thoughts and emotions. Bring your consciousness into the moment.

Light the service taper.

Sit before your altar and visualize yourself seeing your lost love again. See the two of you as happy to see each other.

Take the service taper and light the candle that represents you in the relationship, then light the candle that represents your lost love. At this time, DO NOT light the brown candle.

As I am drawn to you, so you will be drawn to me.

Let our paths cross again, to see what is to be.

Repeat the charm so you say it a total of nine times.

Visualize the future reunion you desire for a few minutes more.

Extinguish the candles.

Nights Two through Eight:

Move the white candle forward a tiny bit, closer to the brown candle. Move the black candle to the left a tiny bit, closer to the brown candle.

Repeat the steps outlined in Night One.

Warning: don't forget a night- or you'll have to start all over the following month with new candles.

Night Nine:

Clear your head, relax and light the service taper.

Move the black and white candles yet again toward the brown one so that the candles (or at least the candle holders) are touching.

Do your visualization.

Light the candles, saying the chant 9 times.

Take the lit black and white candles and use them together to light the brown candle, so that the two flames touch the brown wick at once. As you do this, say:

The wheels are in motion; the dye is now cast,

Our paths shall be crossed-united at last;

For the good of all, by the power of three times three

'An it harm none, so mote it be!

Repeat the charm so you say it a total of 9 times.

Sit and visualize the reunion for as long as you can.

Allow the brown candle to burn down and go out its own (this is why it's better to use a small taper for this purpose-so it won't be burning for days). You can leave the black and white candles to go out on their own, or extinguish them.

Return the wax remnants of the black, brown and white candle to the earth by burying them in the ground or in a flower pot.

The spell should take effect within one moon cycle if all went well and if your lost love is open to seeing you again. I wish you well.

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