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Here's the elderberry syrup recipe:
you can add any other herbs you like, but try to get raw honey! 
Also you can double or reduce the amount you make to fit your needs.

4 cups water
2/3 cup dried elderberries
Then you add 1/2 to 1 tbs of: dried ginger, cinnamon, echinacea, astragalus, sage, rosemary, lemon balm plus anything else you like!
Bring to soft boil then simmer until reduced by half (depending on how humid or dry your house is it can be from half hr to an hour)
When it's cool enough strain well into a glass container and add honey (Half cup at least.  But I like more.  Make sure to add the honey while the liquid is still warm.  Then seal let cool and refrigerate.  The honey will cool and become more syrupy!
--- Take 2 small sips a day when you're well and take frequently when you're sick!

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