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Mental Medium- Mental mediumship" is communication of spirits with a medium by telepathy. They do not feel the departed's pain like a Clair.

Oracle- A priest or priestess acting as a medium through whom advice or prophecy was sought from the Gods.

Sensitive- In tune with all surroundings. Shy, Anxious, Introverts

Chaos Magician- Can use any force, magic, or elements from any religion or healer.

Shaman- Having access to the influence in the world of benevolent and malevolent spirits. They perform healing rituals.

Empathic- showing an ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

Psychometry- ability to discover facts about an event or person by touching inanimate objects associated with them.

Psychic- Usually, people receive information via their physical senses.  That is, they hear something, see something, etc. Psychic ability is the opposite.  It’s using extrasensory perceptions (non-physical senses) to pick up on energetic signals about people or events.

Medical Intuitive- uses their intuition to read your energy (also known as the aura) and receives intuitive impressions about what is going on in your body. Some people see a medical intuitive when they are unable to obtain a medical diagnosis from traditional methods.

Mental Telepathy- Mental telepathy is the ability for people to communicate via the mind.  Some people refer to it as thought transference. Zener cards are a fun way to practice strengthening telepathy (Print Outs available in group photos).

Trance Channeling- one of the types of psychic ability. In this, a medium allows a spirit to speak through her using her mind and body.

Physical Mediumship- is one of the most rare and odd types of psychic ability. I learned about it during my years of study.
It’s said that first, the medium goes into a very deep trance.
At this point, a spirit is able to manipulate certain energetic matter in her body.
The spirit can then manipulate this energy to create ectoplasm which will emerge from one of the orifice’s of the medium’s body

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