Herbal Apothecary

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Herbal Apothecary at Home:

Adaptogen (increases endurance and resistance to stress):

•Ashwagandha, Holy Basil, Licorice, Milky Oat Tops, Nettle

Analgesics (Pain relieving):

•Skullcap, ashwagandha

Antispasmodics (prevents and relieves spasms):

•Chamomile, Peppermint, Skullcap, Yarrow, Wild Yam


•Ashwagandha, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Holy Basil, Nettle, Turmeric, Yarrow


•Chamomile, Elderberries, Yarrow, Ginger, Goldenseal


•Chamomile, Gentian, Dandelion leaf

Carminative (soothes digestion, relieves gas & bloating):

•Fennel, Cardamom, Chamomile

Demulcent (to soothe inflamed tissues):

•Marshmallow, Slippery Elm bark

Expectorant (increases the elimination of excess mucus):

•Mullein, Wild Cherry, Thyme

Hepatic (liver protecting):

•Burdock, Dandelion root, Turmeric, Reishi

Immune Stimulant (to acutely increase immune activity):

•Echinacea root, Elderberries

Immune Modulator (to balance and support the immune system):

•Astragalus, Reishi, Elderberries, Turmeric

Sedative/anxiolytic (calms the body and nervous system):

•Chamomile, Ashwagandha, Skullcap, Passionflower, Valerian, Kava kava, Lemon balm

Stimulant (increases circulation and breaks through obstructions):

•Ginger, Turmeric, Rosemary

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