Chapter Eighteen -Bonfire Fury-

Start from the beginning

"As for you, foreigner, if a man of high wealth courted after you?"

I smiled warmly, placing my hands onto my lap with the bow of my head.

"I'm poor, not to mention a thief too."

The Prince leant back into his dark wooden chair with a wicked glint deep within his steel eyes.

"If you loved this hypothetical man - would you marry regardless of status?"

Since when have the Prince and I spoken so casually like this? I crossed my arms and returned his majesty's steel glare.

"Just like you - yes."

The Prince raised his crown above his head and adjusted a shimmer of gold. I found myself unable to look away - despite the cloud of worry hovering over me.

"The bonfire starts within the hour. I expect you to remain composed - despite your history with fire."

"Yes, your majesty."

The Prince rose from his desk and clicked his tongue, demanding I follow behind him. I closed the wooden door as the two of us left the Prince's chambers.

"I've attended each yearly bonfire with Petra by my side - this year she stands beside me as my fiancé, I expect her to be excited over this fact."

I nodded my head, listening to the sound of golden chains that decorated the Prince's dark dress coat.

"I see..."

The Prince cast his eyes to the beautiful view of the crystal moon shining down upon the palace. I admired the moonlight illuminating the Prince's pale features.

"Many descendants of royal blood gather to watch this bonfire - believe it or not, the author of 'Tricked by a Prince' should be attending this bonfire. Eren watched the previous year also."

I immediately tensed up, feeling adrenaline flood my system. Eren attends these bonfires? He's going to recognise me! I'll be removed from guarding my future king...

"I see..."

I couldn't inform the Prince - for some reason I struggled to voice my value to Eren - not to mention I'm unsure if he even wishes to speak to me... he might even ignore me... I remained stiff yet tried to seem calm. I could potentially ruin this bonfire evening if Eren spots me.

"Lets go, foreigner."

I half-bowed, following behind the Prince who adjusted his crimson cape which clung to his broad shoulders.

Petra is meeting the Prince on the balcony... will Eren be there to greet them? If so... I'm in trouble. The hallway began to feel longer than usual as the golden balcony quickly came into view.

I immediately spotted a unfamiliar golden and green emerald crown, underneath a mess of brown curls. He's there! It's too late...


Petra quickly took the Prince's arm as he rolled his eyes at her noisy actions - four guards, not belonging to this palace wore a different grey uniform - my once thief accomplice, now a Prince approached me.

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