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It was the day you were leaving for the holidays, and you had given Draco an answer. You had decided not to stay with them for the holidays. Sure, he was your friend, but you didn't want to bail on your family. You hadn't seen Ginny, or any of the Weasleys for that matter, since September, and you weren't sure how you felt about going back to being family, or at least friends.

At this time, you were sat in the Great Hall, your case packed, waiting for Ginny. You lean back slightly in your seat, looking around you. The fireplaces were lit, creating a beautiful aroma among the hall. Other students were talking, playing, and saying goodbye to friends for the holidays. You hear your sister's voice from the hall entrance, along with another. You look towards the door to see Ginny walking down the hall, Hermione alongside her. You watch as they walk towards the table, Ginny waving your way.

"(Y/N)!" The red-haired girl exclaims.

"Hey, Ginny."  You say as your sister sits down across from you. "Uh, hi Hermione."

Hermione looks at you angrily, then back down at Ginny.

"I should go, I've still got a few things to pack before I can get going." She says, walking off immediately after she finishes her sentence.

"You should apologize," Ginny says, turning to you. "She was really hurt."

"What do I need to apologize for?" You ask.

"For calling her what you did." Ginny looks down, then back up again. "For calling her a mudblood. She was really hurt, (Y/N), you need to tell her you're sorry."

"Well, I'm not sorry, so I'm not apologizing." You stand up, grabbing the handle of your crate. "Now, I've got a train to get on. I guess I'll see you later." You walk out of the Great Hall and into the corridor, walking out of the building.


You're sat on the train, in a compartment, alone. You see many other students go past your compartment, some walking, some running. A few minutes pass, and the other students have found a compartment. You hear voice just outside your compartment.

"But it's the only available compartment." A girl says.

"I'm fully aware it's the only compartment, but I don't want to sit with her." Another girl says. "You know very well how I feel about her."

"It's only a few hours. You don't even have to talk to her," The first girl says. "And besides, you're gonna have to learn to get along with her. She's really clean as to me."

"Oh, alright," the other girl said, seeming to have calmed down slightly. "But I'm not talking to her."

The two girls walk to the front of your compartment. It's Ginny and Hermione.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Ginny says. "You mind if we sit?"

"It's not like you really have a choice," You say. "From what I can tell, it's the only semi-empty compartment left on the train."

Hermione sat across from you, and Ginny next to her.

The three of you sat in silence for a while. You weren't really sure how long it was, it was hard to tell. Everything looked the same out the window. Snow, trees, water, train tracks following behind and in front of you. It felt like days. Sitting in a centuries-old train, silent, just waiting to get out of there.

After what seemed like forever, you finally arrived at King's Cross Station in London. You grabbed your things and rushed off the train as fast as you could. You quickly spotted the rest of your family near the back of the platform.

"Oh, (Y/N), there you are," Your mother says as you walk towards her. "Now that's everyone except for Percy. Now where has he gone?"

"I'm right here, mum." Percy says from behind Molly.

"Oh! Percy don't scare me like that!" Molly says. "Warn me before you talk." Percy shoots her a weird look. "Oh, I know it makes no sense. Now, lets get going." 

Mischief Managed (Hermione Granger x Fem!Reader) (ON HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now