{11. Intruder}

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It is nearly Christmas and Niall couldn't be more excited, even Liam. They both adore and love this holiday because of the gifts and the decorations. Niall loves the gifts the most, but Liam appreciates the decorations more.

Since Christmas is tomorrow, Niall is very excited to see what Liam, Louis, and Zayn got for him.

They have all been so sweet towards him, and he couldn't be happier to have the most perfect family in his life.

Although, Liam is his obvious favorite, Louis and Zayn are still wonderful people.

Niall sits in the living room, watching something on his phone as he waits for Liam to come home from work. He has grown more comfortable with being by myself. Before, he always needed Liam by his side an he always needed his assistance with anything.

But Liam taught him how to talk more fluently, be more comfortable in any situation and how to use a phone.

Niall begged him to help with those certain objectives and the brunette couldn't say no to his hybrid.

Although, Niall has grown attached to his phone like any other teenager, so his focus on other things has decreased.

Whenever Liam is with him though, he drops his phone and keeps his eyes on him because he loves him and he should only focus on him if he's in the room.

Liam is the most important thing in his life, other than his phone.

He looks up from his phone when he hears some sort of shuffling, hairs from the back of his neck standing up as he quickly looks around. He's trying to figure out where the noise could be coming from, but he can't figure it out.

Looking back down at his phone, Niall decides to just ignore the sound and focus on what he's watching. It probably was just an animal outside. Because of his great hearing, he can hear anything from quite a distance away.

Hours pass and Liam finally comes home with bags in hand. Niall quickly gets up from the couch and runs to the front door to see his lover. Grocery bags are on the floor now and the hybrid licks his lips, making Liam chuckle.

"You want some food? I can make something for the both of us since Lou and Zee won't be here till tomorrow," Liam suggested, earning a nod from Niall who is smiling big.

"That sounds wonderful, LiLi. I-I would like that."

Liam nods firmly and pecks Niall's lips before grabbing the bags and walking into the nearby kitchen. Niall could eat anything.

"I'll get right to making something but in the meantime, you can set up the bedroom for what we planned earlier, okay," Liam states with a cheeky smile, making a sly smile appear on Niall's face. He knows exactly what Liam wants.

Niall gives him one last kiss to the cheek before heading toward his and Liam's bedroom. Butterflies flutter around in his stomach at the thoughts in his head because this is the night where he and Liam have their first time.

Niall is still a virgin though, as he wanted to wait for someone who actually loves him and cares for him. Liam is exactly what he wanted and he will have him tonight, but he is quite nervous.

He gets the sheets fixed up, the lighting just right, and the room smelling perfect. He wants everything to be perfect.

From the kissing, to the pleasure and to the love they'll share. Niall wants Liam to be happy with his performance, even though this'll be his first time, he'll try his best with what he does.

Once the blonde finishes setting everything up, he leaves the room with a smile, but Liam is right outside of the door with a scared look on his face.

"Get in the closet now," he said in a hushed tone.

Niall obeys and quickly, but stealthily, walks back into the room and into the large closet with Liam behind him. His heart is racing and worry washes all over his body, Liam taking his hands in his.

Liam squeezes his hands and kisses the base of each of them, wanting to calm down because of what just happened.

"There's someone in the house and it isn't Louis or Zayn. I didn't get a clear look, but they didn't seem friendly. We just need to stay in here, and I need you to use your hearing to tell when they leave, alright? It'll help."

Niall nods slowly while he lets out a shaky sigh, beginning to sweat as he focuses on using his soft ears. He needs to only focus on his hearing abilities and nothing else at this point.

Liam decides to stay quiet, which is a good idea as he watches his lover focus. He looks quite adorable with his nose scrunched up and his eyes closed. This isn't the time to think about his beauty though, as they could be in real danger.

Niall sighs softly after hearing the person for a few seconds, but they seem to be acting very quiet.

They don't want to cause danger, but that's only just his opinion at this point. He doesn't know what this person is capable of.

Niall looks at Liam with a worried look in his eyes. "What are we going to do, L-Li?"

Liam sighs and shrugs his shoulder, rubbing Niall's arms soothingly to calm him down just enough. "I'll figure it out just... Stay... Silent," he states, hearing the person walking in seconds later.

He places a finger to Niall's lips as he begins to tear up. Niall doesn't want to die, nor does he want the love of his life to die. Whoever is outside of the closet could murder them but maybe they won't?

Seconds pass and the breathing has become closer and heavy, but Niall has a strange feeling at the pit of his stomach. He lets out a small mewl, which makes Liam's eyes grow wide.

The door slides open, the light shining into the small room and Niall looks up first to see the person. He grabs Liam before he could jump the guy, which makes Liam frown.

The figure at the door stands there in awe. He looks right into Niall's eyes as the hybrid stands up and walks up closer to him. Liam is still frowning and is quite confused at what is happening.

"Love, who is this?"

Niall touches the man's cheek, a ping of jealousy hitting Liam, but he decides to stand back and wait for Niall to answer.

Niall turns around and smiles at Liam as he's still in shock.

"I-I don't know how... B-But this is my b-brother..."


A/N: DUN DUN DUN! SHOOK! Jk, I'm just shook, most likely. I hope y'all enjoyed and the next chapter will surely be interesting. Love y'all x

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