"No one will touch you or our kids. You hear me? No one." I sigh at my mates words. Charlie wraps my legs around him and smoothly picks me off the hard tiled floor. I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face under his chin. His scent immediately calms my wolf and I relax into his arms.

"Where's the kids?" I ask peering over his shoulder.

"The girls are in one of the rooms with some of the pack children, Luna. They have three escorts with them so don't worry." An elderly woman smiles. I nod and smile in return.

"And the boys?"

"They just went up to the room to play video games" Answers another voice.

"Okay." I mumble feeling slightly relaxed knowing that my kids are safe and have escorts.

* "Mommy?" Dakotas voice asks through our family link. I pick my head up off Charlies shoulder as he looks down at me curiously. 

* " Yes honey, what is it?" She giggles loudly and I smile at the sound.

* "Come here we want to show you something!" She squeals

* "Can I come too?" Charlie asks.

* " Of course you can daddy!" I look up to a grinning Charlie and I can't help but chuckle at his face. I slide out of his grip and he reluctantly lets go.

"What's with the goofy smile?" I ask while catching his hand and gently pulling him to the stairs. My hand is engulfed in his large one. He shakes his head.

"Nothing I just love when the kids call me dad." I smile up at him and peck his lips. We continue walking hand in hand until we reach the room Dakota said she was playing in.

I open the door and cover my mouth at the sight. My shoulders shake with silent laughter but soon I lose control and bark out a laugh. I gasp for breath and turn to Charlie who is guffawing and slapping his knees.

"Do you like our work mommy?" Dakota asks innocently. I nod with a huge smile on my face.

"Oh yes girls you did a wonderful job!" Dakota, Holly, Molly, Dani, Rachel, Sally and a few other girls from the pack all clap enthusiastically.

"Luna." Ben grumbles.

I turn to Ben, Luke and Shawn who are evidently the centre of our attention. I shake my head ruefully as I eye up their costumes and makeup. Each one stands with their face plastered in rosy blush, striking eyeshadow and big red lips. Shawn had a hot pink fluffy boa wrapped around his shoulders. Luke was wearing an elegant if not over the top hat that covered half of his face. And lastly Ben. Oh Ben. The girls had somehow been able to get him into a tutu and sparkly tanktop. The wings on his back and wand in his hand really completed the look. Charlie steps up behind me wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Really?" He asks bewildered. Their cheeks redden as they bow their heads in embarrassment. I chuckle with amusement.

"How did they get you into a fairy costume of all things Ben?" He crosses his arms defensively.

"They are very persuasive!" I laugh along with everyone else.

"How exactly?"

"She threatened me with a knife!" He points a finger at Dakota. Shawn and Luke nod in confirmation. I turn to Dakota all humour gone.

"You threatened a pack member?" I ask her slowly. She glares at the boys before turning get attention to me. She nods her head while biting her lip. I crouch down to her height.

"Dakota these are your fellow pack members. You do not threaten them with a knife even if you were just playing. The only time you can use your knife as we have discussed before, is when you are training or in danger." I scold. She open her mouth to speak but clamps it shut.

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