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I am so sorry that this took so long, I got really caught up with stuff and I hope your not mad at me.

Alex sat on Crosshairs' lap, half straddling his thigh as Optimus explained to them about the seed and Galvatron. Apparently the man-made bot was Megatron reborn, and he was out for the extinction of humanity once again. Alex swore that if she ever got ahold of Joyce he would suffer her wrath. Then again, if his child ever found out about any of this, Alex would be the least of his problems.

Alex hissed as she pulled the bloody cloth from the wound on her leg, the skin swollen and irritated. Cade had found a first aid kit in the train they had broken into and gave it to her, making sure she was ok before going back to his own daughter. Cross had scowled at him as he gave her the small box, earning him a pinch on one of the cables on his thigh. He growled at her, which only made her smirk.

Now she had her leg held over the side of his as she poured disinfectant on the marred skin, not wanting to get blood on his plating. He watched her with a grimace as she took a pair of tweezers and began digging around the wound.

"What the hell are you doing?" He exclaimed. Alex continued without looking up at him, a pained look on her face.

"There's something stuck in here, I can feel it when I move." She stated, hissing as she dug the tweezers deeper.

"That's disgusting." Cross said. Alex snorted despite the pain.

"Why don't you let me take a chainsaw to your ankle, and I'll show you just how disgusting it is."

He was about to retaliate when she groaned, biting her lip to keep from crying out as she pulled something from the wound. She set it in the kit and probably dressed her ankle so it wouldn't get infected, then took whatever she pulled out and cleaned the blood off of it. She held up a long, thin needle like tooth.

"Nasty." She muttered and wrapped it in some gauze, placing it in the pocket of her shorts. He nodded his head in agreement as she closed the kit and swung her leg over his thigh so she was facing him.

"So how'd the rescue mission go?" She asked. She hadn't gotten the chance to ask earlier and now seemed like a good time. She smiled as his face lit up and he proceeded to tell her about the drone chase through the city and how he took out the guys trying to kill them. He looked happy as he described the way he jumped off of their drone and took fire on the offenders. 

Alex just smiled up at him and listened until Shane came to tell her that they found some food. Cross grumbled as he set her down on the ground so she could follow him into the train. She waved to him as she walked away, laughing at his annoyed expression. She followed Shane into the train and sat beside Tessa, who offered her a plate of food. She thanked her and dug in.

"How's the leg?" The younger girl asked.

"It'll be fine, as long as I don't let it get infected." She sighed, relaxing back into her chair. They finished their food and talked, Alex explaining how she was injured and finding out that Tessa had the same experience, only with a less painful outcome.

"So what do you think?" Tessa suddenly asked her.

"About what?"

"About them leaving." Alex sighed, she knew this was probably going to come up.

"I think it's good, that they can finally leave." She explained. "They have protected us and saved our kind, and we repay them by hunting them down and killing them. I don't want them to go, but if it means that their finally safe, I think it's for the best."

Tessa only nodded in agreement as Cade set a pile of blankets on a nearby chair.

"Try and get some sleep, your probably going to need it." She told the younger girl and stood. Taking a blanket form the top of the pile and walking to the door. She was stopped by Cade.

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